Chapter 69: Difficult Truths

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Kaden's POV:

"Only know you love her when you let her go."- Passenger

Conversations were going but I was zeroed in on the empath book Alana lent me. We were almost ready to go, plane tickets bought. Violet texted me right before she got on the plane but I hadn't heard from her since. Probably because she was still on the flight but I couldn't help but be worried. There was nothing I could do about that part of things, which was why I was consuming any and all knowledge on empaths I could find.

"You can read on the plane," Cassie said, nudging me. "Will probably be a good distraction."

Her gentle hint made me realize Xander was staring me down, inclining his head to Thaddeus. I could practically hear the words he wasn't saying. Listen.

"How did she get ahold of your flash drive?" Addie asked.

"It's not my flash drive," Thaddeus said, picking up another crossbow and examining it. "It's that bastard's flash drive. And I don't know how she got it, I didn't ask. I assume she must've come into contact with..." he cleared his throat, his eyes darting to Addie briefly before returning to the crossbow. "... The person who was holding it."

"And who was that?"

"Does it matter?"

Addie crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "I didn't think so, but your weird behavior is telling me a different story."

"Adira, I'm telling you as my dearest best friend who I have absolutely no trust for," Thaddeus said, giving her a side-glance, "drop this right now, or a wound that you do not want opened will open."

"This is Kaden's mate we're talking about," Addie persisted. "That means she's my pack, I'm not-" she paused, her eyes widening for a second, her head tilting to the side. "What do you mean open a wound?"

"You don't want to do this," Thaddeus said seriously. "I never beg but Adira, I am begging you to not push this topic."

"Thaddeus, I will drive a stake through your heart," Addie warned. "What do you mean open a wound?"

He sighed, setting the crossbow down and nodding to Gina. "These are marvelous, I'll need you to make more." Gina nodded slowly, her eyes sliding to Addie. I wasn't convinced he would answer my Luna's question but eventually he shook his head and refocused his eyes on her. "How much do you know about father dearest?"

Xander inched closer to Addie, his hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her close to him, eyes trained on Thaddeus like he was unsure if he wanted to let him keep talking, or beat him down right there.

"Not a lot," Addie answered. If I didn't know my Luna so well, I'd think she was perfectly calm, but she wasn't. She was upset. Her pinky twitched and she swallowed a barely noticeable lump. "Just that he was a criminal, a bad person."

"Was?" Thaddeus asked, raising an eyebrow. "What makes you think he's dead?"

"I don't," Addie said, narrowing her eyes. "He's just not a part of my life so he won't be spoken of like he is. What the hell does this have to do with anything?"

"I just want you to remember that you are the one opening this wound," Thaddeus said, pointing at her. "I suggest we stop before we can't turn back."

"Thaddeus, spit it the fuck out," Addie snapped.

"I find it very strange that this pack is one of the most well-loved when that's how you treat your guests," Thaddeus sighed, sinking into the chair and propping his feet on the table. "Did you know your father was involved in human trafficking?"

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