Chapter 76: Trust

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Kaden's POV:

"I suppose my soul knew yours all along. Perhaps that's why I could never love anyone else. I was waiting for you."- Unknown

I was done with work for the day and grabbing more clothes to take back to the cabin when my computer just turned on. I didn't turn it on, but then the screen lit up.

The last three months, Violet and I were inseparable as often as possible. She and Xander picked up an entertaining banter of her playfully getting annoyed with him for giving me work to do and taking me away from her. They'd go back and forth and then if Xander felt like testing his mortality, he'd tell her he had me first.

I never had people fight over me before. I was slightly ashamed to admit I kind of liked it. It wasn't like they were really fighting, and it was a relief to see them bonding with their rocky start. He even gave her the keys to the cabin and told her it was hers. It was hard for her to be in the pack house. She liked her privacy and the fact everyone could hear anything made her uncomfortable given she sometimes still struggled with nightmares. I didn't mind, either. Living in the pack house was great before but now that I had Violet, I wanted the privacy as much as she did.

She was adjusting better now, more willing to meet other people. Mrs. F asked if she could stay and we were happy to have her. She and Ginny hit it off so she was actually living with Ginny and the two of them worked together. Violet was happy to have Mrs. F stay, but it wasn't her only friend. Violet and Gina hit it off well. They were both quiet, both liked being alone, and Violet adored that Gina made weapons. If I ever didn't know where Violet was, the first place I looked was with Gina. They were becoming quick friends and it's where Violet spent most her time while I was working, except for when she went to the infirmary where her and Anna worked in the lab on finding a cure for the hound transformation.

Today though, she was with Ren, and I was waiting to hear from her before I interrupted. They were bonding, getting to know each other all over again but without all the other shit in the way. It was important to her, so I never interrupted when they spent time together unless they invited me along.

Frowning at my computer screen, I dropped the bag I was putting clothes in and walked over, setting my hand on the mouse but nothing would respond. I tapped a key on the keyboard but still no response. Then a blinking line showed up, the kind that comes just before text.

The letters typed out one by one and a smile escaped.

Wanna go on an adventure, Casanova?

Y/N appeared directly under and I chuckled, sinking into the seat and hitting 'Y'.

Pixels of color appeared on the screen one by one until there was an oldschool 8-bit game in front of me, vaguely reminiscent of the Zelda game we'd been playing on the Super Nintendo. It had a similar style, but the character on the screen was a blond-haired, blue-eyed guy carrying a guitar.

My heart thudded. She made a game for me.

A text box appeared and I couldn't help but laugh. The character's name was Casanova Stalker, the bard. Shaking my head, I tested the controls by hitting the 'w' key to move him around. It took little time of wandering around for me to realize she'd made the setting like our territory. With that knowledge, I made my way towards the cabin her and I had been staying at the last few months.

I arrived at the cabin and before I opened the door, another character popped out. This one with brown hair and grey eyes, dressed all in black. The text box that popped up afterwards both warmed my heart and made me laugh.

You've found a wild Violet! She's awkward, skittish, scares easily and isn't great at communicating, but she shows you she likes you by bringing you gifts. If you choose to make her part of your party, you will unlock new dialogue and learn more.

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