Chapter 64: Scared

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Violet's POV:

"Until him, all I knew was a bad kind of love. A love that was uncertain, draining, difficult. The love with him is different. It is comforting, honest, pure. It is meant to be."- Unknown.

Kaden and I held each other for hours. I cried, he cried, he held me while I cried. Revealing all of it and him not leaving unleashed a flood of emotions unlike anything I experienced. It was like all the walls I put up to keep them locked away so I could function fell away and I ugly cried on him. I sobbed. I broke and he put me back together and something just finally cracked. Instead of shoving all of it down, acting like I had a good hold of it, I let it out. For the first time possibly ever, I let it out. Not all of it, but more than I ever had with another person. I screamed all the anger I'd kept down. I screamed about how unfair it was, and he held me. I fell apart over and over again and he put me back together every time until we were exhausted, until we passed out holding each other tighter than would've been comfortable in any other circumstance but right then, it was what I needed.

When I woke up, he was still asleep and his arms were still tightly around me. I teared up again. I'd never cried so much in my life but I couldn't help it. Gentleness wasn't something I was used to and he was so gentle with me. Even in the anger where I said horrible things, where I punched the bed because I was so angry. He was gentle. Every step of the way he was gentle and I wasn't sure he'd ever understand how much I needed that. I was used to punishment when I felt anything but I didn't get that with him. I only got gentleness.

I was in love with him. The bond scared me, I still felt confused, I couldn't say the words, but I was in love with him. It was fucking terrifying. He held so much power over me and it activated a natural instinct to run as far as possible.

Untangling from him, I carefully moved out of the bed and waited to make sure he was still asleep. I felt terrible I unloaded all that on him while he was still recovering, so there was no way in hell I was going to wake him up, but I did need to check on Alek and Mrs. F.

I tiptoed out of the bedroom and quietly closed the door. Again, that strange sense of familiarity returned as I looked around the cabin. It was like I'd been there before. There were things I looked at and recognized. A distant memory that couldn't be one at all because I'd never been here, but there was just something about it. Shaking my head, I went to the kitchen table where I left my phone and saw several texts from Alek and one from Jen.

I called Jen shortly after I realized if Max found that video, that meant he'd know Lola posted it. It was something I should've realized sooner but when he threatened Alek, all I could focus on was him. I may have also been a little pissed because if Lola hadn't posted that video, he never would've known about Alek. But that didn't matter. Just because I was mad didn't mean I wanted her or her family hurt, so I called Jen and told her code red. We'd already prepared for things like this. They had a safe house. They would be okay for now.

Quickly grabbing the keys to the car Xander let us drive, I slipped out of the cabin and sent a quick text to Alek, telling him I'd be right there. I drove back to the guest house, located next to the pack-house. Xander must've heard me coming because he came outside just as I got out of the car.

"Hey, how's he doing?" He asked as he approached.

"He's asleep," I said, sliding my hands in my pockets.

"Cassie and Anna wanted to check on him. They can do it without waking him up."

"Tell them to go for it, he's just asleep in the bed."

"Alek, Dimitri and Mrs. F are also asleep," he informed me, nodding to the guest house. "They stayed up until about five in the morning but they were tired."

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