Chapter 24: Dark Side

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Kaden's POV:

"I've never believed that beauty could exist in self-destruction. Then I saw you. And your eyes told stories with dangerous beginnings and lost endings, where every page was breathing with color. Yes, you were beautiful to me." – Nicole Torres

The guy I recognized as Chase from the multiple times he'd encountered Violet just stood in the doorway of the closet, looking between us. The scent of jealousy coming off him was so strong, it was almost sickening. I kept the growl in but it wasn't easy.

"Making out in the closet, huh?" He asked, taking a drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke into the closet with us. "How very... High school."

"Fuck off," Violet said, moving between him and I. While part of me very much enjoyed the way she got protective over me, enjoyed it a little too much, I needed a moment alone with her to tell her she really didn't need to be. If it weren't for that asshole interrupting, I was about to tell her. Maybe the closet at some person's house wasn't the best place but I was starting to think there never would be a good time or place.

"What?" Chase asked, shrugging innocently. "I mean it. It's very cute."

His eyes darted back to mine, sizing me up as he looked me up and down. He never made eye contact, just focused his attention back on Violet. I set my hand on her waist, pulling her back and closer to me. The action didn't go unnoticed, his eyes landed on the hand I had on her then finally met my gaze. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stepped back, his eyes shifting back to Violet as he waved us through the doorway. "Someone wants to talk to you. You're welcome for coming to get you myself instead of telling her where to find you. Dining room."

"Tell her I'm busy," Violet said, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her past Chase and out of the closet.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you," Chase said. "You still want to come tonight, don't you?"

"You need me," Violet said, glaring back at him over her shoulder.

"Do we?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "You've taught Farris pretty well. Must've been all those late nights you two spent-"

"I get it," Violet snapped, her hand tightening on mine. She hesitated then turned toward me, a blush reaching her face as she let go of my hand and stepped back. "I have to go for a second, I'll be right back."

"I'll come with you," I said, taking a step towards her.

"No," she said quickly, setting her hands on my chest and pushing me back. "Just... Just wait here for me, okay?"

"Why can't I come with you?" I frowned.

"It's just... It's complicated," she said, dropping her voice to a quieter tone as she stepped closer to me. "Please just wait right here, okay?"

"Okay," I said, my brows furrowing.

"Promise you'll stay here and won't wander around?" She asked.

"If that's what you want," I said reluctantly.

"It is," she said with a firm nod. "I'll be right back. Just sit tight."

She walked away from me and if not for my wolf hearing, I wouldn't have heard what she said when she paused next to Chase. Even with my hearing, the loud music made it difficult. "Do not fucking touch him, you hear me?"

"The knife against my dick is unnecessary," Chase said. It wasn't until then I realized she was blocking part of my view but I couldn't see where her hand was. Goddess, how did she pull a knife on him that fast? I didn't even notice. "I did you a favor and this is how you repay it?"

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