Disguise 2: The Non-Hale Territory

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Non-Hale Territory

Disguise 2

-Penelope's POV-

I laid out the destinations I am sure my parents will not track me down. Well, I can go out of the country, or state. I know I can't contact any of my friends, or else I might have problems sooner. I sighed as I sunk back on my seat, conflicted. The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Are you having problems, miss?" He asked me as I nodded, tired. He chuckled.

"You are planning where to get away with your problems, aren't you?" He asked, smiling warmly at me. He had to be at least in the late 40's. I smiled warily.

"Yeah, I need to get away with my problems. Somewhere my problems can't find me." I replied, gazing out of the window.

"Well, that's a hard question ma'am." He told me as I laughed, nodding in agreement.

"I know." I said, my laughter to a stop.

"Well, I have a daughter who owns apartments throughout the country, perhaps I can give her a call." He offered. I frowned.

"I honestly don't think the best idea would be staying in the country." I replied, earning a text from my friends. I deleted it. All of them. Just to prevent temptation.

"Well, this is a Hale state. The Fords might get different with us." He shrugged casually, laughing at the joke businessmen expected as their family rivalry. That rivalry caused the two families to have half the country in their territories. When other trespasses another, let's just say that that person will not be protected with the law.

That's how I despise my life.

"Yeah, I guess." I agreed quietly, leaning back. He continued to smile, like a man without problems.

I wish I was like him.

"Well, we can take detours to keep the way longer. Just to make up your mind." He suggested, taking a straight path instead of the right turn. I nodded.

"That would be great." I accepted, facing the phone to me and flicking for options.


"I am hopeless." I grumbled, sinking back to my seat. We've been taking the longer route to the airport, for my sake. No idea pops into my head, about where my parents are smart enough to know that I am smart enough not to go to that place.

I checked every single country in the world, but nothing seems to reassure me that no person there will go snatch me ad send me back to my parents. I crossed my arms like a child, wanking my head against the window. The taxi driver seemed to enjoy my company.

"You remind me of my daughter." He remarked, making me sit properly. I smiled tightly.

"Really?" I asked incredulously, deciding to cool my head down for me to think things clearly. Numerous times my phone beeped, so I decided to block all of my contacts, just to be sure.

"Oh yes, that daughter of mine was senseless. She's just not that shy type." He described, grinning as he stole a glance at the picture pasted on the dashboard. I glanced at the picture, seeing a lady hugging her father.

"You must be real close." I remarked staring at the pictures pasted on the dashboard.

"Yes, she always kept bonding with me. She's kept me happy despite my wife's death." He told me honestly, like he was talking to his old friend. I let him rave about his daughter, chuckling and laughing when he needs to. Her daughter, Lily, is actually a 23 year old businesswoman of apartments, who just graduated from UCLA. She's better known for being an outgoing person, friendly and someone who loves her parents and her parents vice versa.

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