Disguise 19: The Tandem

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Tandem

Disguise 19

-Penelope's POV-

The moment I convinced myself not to return back to bed, I entered the kitchen and sat down on one of the high stools. My head dropped to the table the instant I was comfortable with the seat.

"Wow," Melissa's voice made me alert to the surroundings, my eyes groggily looking through my lashes. She had a sly grin on, something I learned to never trust the next words that comes out of her mouth. "Did a certain someone tire you out that much?"

It's meant for Jeremy. Anyone with brains would be able to figure that out. I groaned, sitting up properly before propping my head up with my elbow. My hair covered most of my face, so I moved a portion of it to the side so I can see Melissa.

"Whatever things you think we did, we didn't."

"Please tell me you at least got into first base," Natalia groaned, reaching up to get the aspirin. She passed me two, as well as a glass of orange juice. "Because all of the things we did will all be for nothing."

"Ye-what? You were part of that ridiculous scheme?" I questioned, my mind fully awake.

"After a catching use of words, I rolled with it." She shrugged, her face scrunching as she coughed up whatever juice she was taking.

"Let me guess," I raised my hand up, eyeing both the hungover women in front of me accusingly. "Kevin was also part of it."

"Duh," Melissa said. "Otherwise there'd be no perfect plan execution."

"There'd also be no failed results," I beamed, standing up. "But seriously. Nothing happened between us." I lied.

Unless you count the whole undressing thing, I wanted to add.

"No kisses? Touches?" Natalia asked suggestively, trying to rake my honesty. When she decided to give up, she groaned. "You've gotta be more fun than that!"

Bad thing is, my honesty is not worth to be shared.

"Believe what you want." I shrugged nonchalantly, placing my empty glass into the dishwasher when the elevator rang an announcement.

A visitor.

"I'll go get it." Melissa hissed.

"I'm not going to forget the fact that your trap made Jeremy see me half-naked." I sneered, a sarcastic smile playing on my lips. Melissa flipped me off before answering the door. I laughed.

"Wait, he saw you half naked?" Natalia asked, her voice rising. She had her fists clenched, before she picked up her phone and punched in a message.

She's confusing me.

She's pissed at me not sleeping with Jeremy but gets furious at the fact that Jeremy saw me half naked.

Was she expecting clothes on if their plan succeeded?

Plus, why am I thinking about this?

I gave her a sour smile. "At least your plan had an ironic twist."

"And what's that?" She said wryly, her lips in a scowl. I leaned on the table.

"You set me up to sleep with him but we didn't yet he saw me half-naked," I answered. "No, that's not ironic. It's humorous."

"It's too funny I can't laugh."

I frowned. "I was expecting ridicule after my announcement. Certainly not... this."

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