Disguise 6: The Childhood Friend

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Childhood Friend

Disguise 6

-Penelope's POV-

I sighed as the bell rang, signalling lunch time. I remained seated as I gazed at the hurrying crowd waiting to get out, apparently Mrs. Findlay and her monotone teaching isn't the first thing students want to meet.

I bid goodbye to the professor as soon as I saw the empty hall. I got up from my seat and stride carefully towards my lockers, reminding me that I didn't get my Biology book because of what happened. I did a quick scan around my hallway before turning cautiously. As I reached my destination, I carefully input my code and shoved my things when I saw a glimpse of a red paper in my bag. I smiled secretly and picked it up, reading the contents.

Roses are red, violets are blue.
This started gay and cliché but I have feelings for you.


It was a ripped paper piece written by Axel. I stole it from him. Well, his trash bin.

It was for Laura. I remembered teasing him about it and he just simply smiled.

He still didn't change.

I picked out the borrowed novel and closed my locker shut, keeping the paper in my pocket, slowly walking to the cafeteria.

There are just some things you never tell your best friend. Especially if he's a guy.

My smile faltered as I got near and near the lunchroom, realization kicking in. I fixed my glasses and placed my braided hair on my shoulder, squaring my shoulders. I entered it looking weird, especially with my jeans and sneakers. I bet I even gained more attention as a lonely nerd than all the nerds of Skyborne High combined.

Put this on show then.

I held my book tightly and walked to an empty table, which by my speculation, was fate's gift. I sat down and opened the familiar book, purposely hiding my face. I didn't bother getting my food, I'm still not hungry. I bit my lip to hide my smile as I began to read.

"May I join you?" A voice disrupted me. I barely acknowledged him and continued reading.

"You're gaining attention," The voice, which I now recognized as a masculine one, continued. I flipped another page, showing him that I don't care. Soon enough, I felt his presence as I continued to ignore him.

"P," He called.

"P." He tried again.


"Pen." And again.

"Penny." And again.

"T." And again.

"Tiff." And now another.

"Tiffany Williams." He sighed, as if in surrender.

"Duck." He called. I scowled as I put down the book I was reading, watching him smile victoriously.

"You still can't get over that?" I asked. He shook his head, smiling goofily.

"A person never forgets his childhood memory." He replied. I scoffed in disbelief.

"So, let me guess." I tried to think before snapping my finger. "Your ego deflated."

His face fell. "No," he denied before looking at me. "Why?"

"Oh, come on," I grumbled. "A person never forgets his childhood memory." I mocked.

He scowled at my mockery. "Were you talking about my brain fuel tank?"

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