Disguise 12: The Blind Side

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Blind Side

Disguise 12

-Axel's POV-

Her words dropped at me like a bomb. An ache settled in my chest as she spoke those words, the pain getting heavier and heavier.

She just couldn't get a fúcking clue, could she?

Penelope grabbed Melissa and pulled her into a new seat, somewhere much farther away from me. I clenched my fists.

Natalia was nothing compared to her.

I stood up, pushing everyone that blocked my way.

I don't like to stay in the damned room with that damned ache bearing in my chest every time I see her look of outrage.

I looked at her one more time, her face contorting into anger as she avoided my gaze. I heaved out a breath and exited the room.

Everyone knew it wasn't right to mess with a royal student ditching class.

Especially if it was me.

I didn't mind the path I was taking, all I knew was that it led me to an uncrowded hallway.

It was the unused hallway Goths stay at.

Well, that's good. I could use a punching bag right now.

I heaved, trying to calm my anger.

But of course, it was no fúcking use.

I closed my eyes as I leaned against the nearest wall, my back hitting harshly against the cold cement.

I hurled my phone to the cream walls, its parts separating in a blink.

I could care less right now.

That little bítch.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I heard Penelope's voice ask in concern. I clenched my fists.

"Shut the hell up." I growled harshly, causing her to flinch at the tone of my voice.

That fúcking slut.

"Axel, calm down." Penelope said, her voice wavering. My eyes turned into slits.

"Why would I calm down?" I hollered. "Why would I?"

"I'm sorry for whatever you're -" Penelope's words were cut off when I gripped her wrist hard, enough that my knuckles turned white.

"Axel, it hurts," She whimpered. "Please let go."

I obliged unwillingly. She winced in pain. I looked at her as Penelope walked to the door, her brown orbs filled with horror as she stared down in the depths of my blue ones.

That's when I realized.

Penelope was shaking in fear.

My breaths came a lot shorter, my dark vision dispersing.

I looked like I ran a marathon.

I neared Penelope, noticing her hand gripping the door knob hard. I sighed as I took in the sight of her blinking back her tears.

"I'm sorry." I apologized sincerely. Her eyes warmed at my calmed state, her hand that was clutching the door knob free. She tackled me into a hug, her tears prickling down my neck.

"Just don't do that again." She whispered, sniffing. I broke the hug, noticing the purple bruise on her left wrist.

"I'll treat th-"

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