Disguise 14: The Long Walk

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Long Walk

Disguise 14

-Axel's POV-

My knuckles turned white as I gripped the steering wheel hard, the urge to go back and wrap my arms around Penelope getting stronger. I slammed my fists against the wheel.

This isn't normal.

I groaned in irritation as my mind recalled Jeremy pulling Penelope into a headlock, and how they enjoyed it.

This isn't right.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

My phone rang from the passenger seat, and it took me three rings before I decided to answer it.

"Axel?" A voice all too familiar made me realize it was Penelope's mother. I leaned against the driver's seat.

"Yes, Veronica?" I answered.

"I hope I'm not disturbing." Veronica said politely. I shook my head, halting when I realized it was futile.

"No, not at all." I told her. She sighed.

"I'm sorry," She apologized. "I just wanted you to know this first."

I felt my skin prickle at what she said. "It's fine. What is it, Mrs. Hale?"

"We found leads to Penelope," She announced. "She... She was detected in the airport a week ago."

I sucked in a breath, beads of sweat starting to form. "Truly?"

"Yes," She said. "I just hope to find my only daughter safe and well."

I glanced at the building in front of me as guilt settled in my stomach.

"Ford," She acknowledged, nodding at his direction. "I do hope you were taking the advice I gave you."

"What advice?" Jeremy scrunched his eyebrows. Penelope looked at him warily.

"I'm just kidding, Williams." Jeremy grinned, pulling her into a headlock.

I shook my head. "Veronica, I-"

"What does freedom look like?" Penelope asked me, propping herself up with her elbows. She stared at the sea, a bitter smile on her lips. "If that's what I'm experiencing now, then it sucks."

I clenched my fists, swallowing the lump in my throat painfully.

"Axel?" The lady on the other end called, making me shake my head.

"Oh, I was just asking if you could tell me when you see Penelope."

"Of course." I could sense Mrs. Hale's smile on the other end.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hale."

"No problem."

I hung up, feeling the air squeezed out of my lungs. I placed my phone in my pocket and exited my car, decisive that I would go back.

Once and for all, I will talk to Penelope about her sudden outrageousness to live in a territory she was taught to hate.

My nails dug in my palm.

I'm sorry, Penny.


"Natalia," I called the woman in a baby blue dress. She turned around, widening her eyes as she saw me. "We need to talk."

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