Disguise 28: The Twist

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Twist

Disguise 28

-Penelope's POV-

I couldn't stop checking my phone for new messages.

It was like I couldn't stand not doing something. But then again, it wasn't like I was in the mood to do anything. Frustration and embarrassment clouded my mind after that happened. I had every chance to talk to him, to tell him that I don't owe him a date anymore, or even just say a simple hi. But every time I catch sight of him, my body seems to move on its own and avoid him.

I had the will to talk, but not the courage.

The memory two days ago was still fresh on my mind, the events as vivid as day. His touch sending jolts to my spine, his lips soft and addicting as it met my own for a gentle kiss. It was as if it was burned into my skull for the rest of my life.

Is this what it means to like someone?

If so, I hated it. I hated the fact that I was really aware of his presence. The feeling was so persistent, my resistance futile as my cheeks tainted scarlet every single time I accidentally meet his eyes. I loathed the mixed emotions welled up inside me, my thumb hovering over his name on my phone as my patience and pride thinned when a second ticks by without him sending a single message.

God, I was acting like a clingy girlfriend. It was freaking disgusting to know that.

I laid still on my bed, exhaustion taking over every fiber of my body. I was now back in Natalia's penthouse. The sleepover came to a close yesterday, but it felt like it was inadequate. Incomplete, per se.

Despite the fact that Christmas is around the corner and the chilly nights are just getting colder and colder, the joy of winter and giving gifts aren't exactly radiating to me.

Confessing it to myself was a bad decision. A very, very bad one at that.

So why are my eyes still glued on the screen on my phone?

That, my friend, is an annoying mystery I don't think I will be willing to find out.

"Tiffany?" Natalia called out, and I propped myself up with my elbows. "You hungry?"

"Uh... umm..." I trailed off, momentarily startled when she broke my brainstorming. "I-I'm not hungry, Natalia. Thanks."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I buried my face into my pillow as I heard Natalia's footsteps fall into a decrescendo. Groaning, I take my phone again into my hands and called my best friend.

"Do you want to spend the Christmas with me?" Axel said the first thing as soon as he picked up on the second ring. I chuckled, feeling my spirits lift up a little.

"Do I have a choice?" I replied jokingly as I turned around to face the white ceiling.

Axel chuckled on the other end, and I couldn't help but smile. "Not really."

"So why did you ask in the first place?" I retorted as I raised my left eyebrow. I could sense that he was grinning like a lunatic he already was.

"Saying hello to my best friend who's just about ready to march on my apartment in the middle of the winter night seems really troublesome." He responded in a nonchalant manner. It would be surprising if he didn't do hand movements when he said that one. He cleared his throat, and I laughed.

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