Disguise 27.5: The White Flag

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The White Flag

Disguise 27.5

-Penelope's POV-

I gently touched my bandaged finger.

Well, who knew how that would happen today?

"You okay?"

I lifted my head and met Axel's worried eyes. I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm fine, Axel." I dropped my hands to my side, pouting. "I wish you'd let me help, though."

He chuckled before messing my hair up. I immediately slapped it away with a hiss. "You're too cute for your own good, Duck. But I can't, not after that little incident you never told me about that gained you a bandaged finger."

My face heated up as I recalled the events that lead me to this. Axel will never let that topic go.

"You're too overprotective. Redundant as it is, it's true." I sat up, brushing away some imaginary dust on my shoulders. Plus I don't think I can survive when I tell you about it. "And I told you over and over again, this is just a scratch!"

"Why did it need bandage, then?" He countered. "If it's just a scratch, that is. I asked you that multiple times as well."

Are you really going to be stupid at this time?, I thought as I felt anger bubble up inside me.

"And I answered you already," I replied as I crossed my arms. "Do you not add bandage when you scratch yourself?" I don't, that's for sure.

"Plus the person who was with me was annoyingly overbearing who is also too cautious just like you are right now and that irks me to no end!" I continued.

"Then why can't you follow me just like that person who was with you if he was just like me?" Axel argued, a hint of exasperation laced in his tone. "And who was that person?"

I growled. That's because he let me help and you don't want me to.

"Did you say something about me?"

"No," Axel said firmly. "And get away, Ford."

I turned around. Jeremy's eyes said it all. He was enjoying our fight, his brown orbs glinting so much amusement that it was blinding.

I glared at him before kicking his leg. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing." He muttered quickly, a smirk forming on his lips. I raised an eyebrow, hearing him chuckle before leaving the room.

"Geez, we get it already," Melissa grumbled as she eyed the two of us. "You are having problems with Axel's overprotectiveness, hence the lovers' quarrel, but the both of you are wasting time. We don't want Natalia's wrath now, would we?"

We both stayed silent, my mind repeating her words. Unconsciously, a laugh escaped my mouth. Lovers' quarrel, she says?

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