Disguise 26: The Crack

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Crack

Disguise 26

-Penelope's POV-

I didn't know what to feel.

My hands were shaking terribly, and my knees felt like they were about to give up. I gulped nervously as my eyes lingered on my mother's name, the phone going off for a second before displaying the same name again.

What do I do?, I asked quietly, but no answer comes to mind. My lips were quivering, my eyesight slowly becoming blurry. I was convulsing just because of one call, a single call of a certain person that I was hellbent on escaping from.

My eyes went back and forth between the red and green button, and my throat ran dry.

I should end the call. I have to. It's something I should've predicted in the first place.

I stared at the ringing device in my hand. My thoughts were in disarray from everything that happened in just one night.


My thumb hovered over the red button as the strength in my legs seemed to vanish.


I brought Axel's phone near my ears, covering my mouth to muffle any noises I could make.


"H-Hello?" The familiar feminine voice rang through the phone. "Axel, are you there?"

And my resolve vanished into thin air.

Tears flowed freely down my cheeks, my shoulders shaking uncontrollably. My hands clamped my mouth shut as sobs escaped from me.

They were beyond my control. I never realized that I would ever feel this way.

I missed my mother.

"Axel, are you busy at this time?" I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself and failing miserably. Tears rolled down my cheeks as Mom's voice continued. "I have news."

I placed the phone on the floor, putting it on speaker. I brought my knees closer to my chest as I listened to my mother's voice like it was the only thing that kept me sane. The only thing that became my undoing.

"About Penelope." I faintly heard Mom's quivering voice as she said my name. "It's seems that she's in New York."

Her statement made me look at Axel's phone. I took deep breaths, my tears subsiding as the news settled in. My breaths became shallow, like I was deprived of oxygen.

I was confused. I was confused of my feelings as I stay sitting in a room, staring at a phone and listening to my parent like my life depended on it.

My eyes zeroed in on the device on the floor, and I bit my lip harshly.

I was afraid. I was afraid of knowing what will happen tomorrow or the next days as my thoughts wandered to Jeremy, and everyone else.

Mom was silent on the other end, as if she was waiting for a response. I picked up the phone and once again brought it closer to me, finding words to speak decently. I found strength in my legs and I used it to stand up.

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