Disguise 32: The Broken Heart

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Broken Heart

Disguise 32

Axel's knees sunk to the floor the moment he closed the door.

I want to go back.

Where does she get all those baseless courage that makes her say things that makes his heart stop?

The most appalling thing is that she doesn't even seem to notice how much of a toll it is on him.

When did she ever get that hard to handle? He's getting a harder time figuring her mind out every single time.

Damn you Hale.

"Axel? Is that you— oh my God." Penelope's blonde flatmate showed up when he didn't want her to. "Did something happen?"

"I'm not appreciating your tone when you said that, Natalia." His eyes narrowed at the way her tone implied that she was suggesting that something happened. And that something was the same as the something that is going on between Melissa and Kevin.

Natalia's cheeks reddened at his words. "No, it's just that—" she paused. "You're blushing furiously."

"That's your imagination." His reply was instant, as if it was an automatic feature ingrained on his body. Her cheeks burned even further, an action that caused him to sigh.

Here goes nothing. "She told me she loves me."


The reason why he said that to her out of the blue is beyond him.

"Isn't that what she always says though?" She asked obliviously, as she sat beside him. "Moreover, how is she?"

"Sleeping." Axel answered immediately. She nodded in understanding, her arms stretching before she crossed her legs and arms and faced him. "What is it?"

"I was just wondering why you'd be that flustered over saying that she loves you," Natalia voiced her thoughts tactlessly. Axel's eye twitched at the way she said it, but stayed silent nonetheless. "If she said the FIL phrase, then I would understand why."

"FIL?" He echoed. She shrugged, as if telling him the obvious with that one simple action. His eyes narrowed, but his thoughts focused on the meaning.

Wouldn't the closest meaning be fall—

His cheeks were painted a deep shade of red when realization slams at him hard. It almost felt like his brain shut off after that.

"Oh, she did, didn't she?" Natalia asked blankly as she scooted closer, poking Axel's red cheeks to show emphasis. The lack of reaction made Axel doubt the girl beside him for a while, forgetting that she was poking irritatingly, but that was proved wrong when she widened her eyes.


"She said that blessed FIL phrase to you?" Again with the unnecessary salt to his wound. "That's... well, I would've seen that coming since I asked it but I didn't expect it to be true. My heart's in a frenzy, oh my— that was uncalled for, Wesley. My mind wasn't prepared, you know?"

Neither was mine, Coulson. He wanted to say, but the words he wanted to say were suppressed because of Natalia's exaggerated reaction. Neither of us was prepared for that.

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