Disguise 5: The Recent Senior

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Recent Senior

Disguise 5

-Penelope's POV-

I passed the accusing stares and glided into my next class. I took a seat, my chair producing a loud noise. I facepalmed.

Axel knows now. Dammit. Another friend to cross out my list.

I wasn't stupid. No guy calls a phone more than 20 times within a span of 10 minutes. I wasn't stupid to know he'll be a threat to my new profound freedom.

But my freedom has consequences, of course. The risk is...

I sighed.

Great, I waltzed in a school where a Ford rules it all.

And now I lost my phone. I remembered going to the campus' rooftop and torturing my phone. I stepped on it, I threw it, I slammed it against a door. Afterwards I threw it on the bin.

I have to get a new one sooner or later. Without anyone recognizing me.

"Troubled, principessa?" A voice asked, making me look up. I don't know him at all.

Could he be by any chance Jeremy Ford?

"I am Kevin, the second male royal student." He introduced himself.

Not then.

"Well, I wasn't asking you." I hissed, glaring at the figure who sat beside me. "Is this your seat?"

"It's a free country." He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

Yeah, tell that to my parents.

"You're in huge trouble with Jeremy, you know." He whispered in my ear, the bells ringing not helping my case.

Jeremy? I hope he doesn't mean...

"Jeremy?" I voiced out my thoughts, obviously not thinking. He raised an eyebrow at me just as the professor went in.

"Surely, you've heard the stories of the New York prince?" He inquired. I shook my head, making him scoff.

"You are a Williams and you barely know the Ford bloodline? Did you live under a stone or something?" He asked incredulously, not caring if the professor was glaring daggers at the moment. I raised an eyebrow.

Again, what's up with my surname? I mean, fake surname.

I'm as clueless as a baby.

"Mr. Richards, are you willing to share your certain chat with the new student?" The professor interrupted before I could even answer Kevin's question. I looked away and gazed at the blank board.

"Mind your own business. Your trying-to-care façade is old news." Kevin replied, making me scoff in disbelief.

"Detention for you, Richards." The professor hissed in annoyance, handing the pink slip. I looked at my seatmate, wondering if he ever was concerned about it.

But I was wrong. If it. Makes you feel better, the idiot was even smirking. He stood up and mived towards me, his face close to mine.

"Beware, Williams." He whispered. "Ford will make your life miserable in Skyborne High."

I widened my eyes in horror, my eyes trailing his exiting figure.

Did I hear that right?

Was he talking about Jeremy Ford?

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