Disguise 11: The Firsts

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Firsts

Disguise 11

-Penelope's POV-

I snorted. "Who do you think you are? Some kind of model I could drool myself with?"

"Actually," He trailed off as the elevators pinged a close. "Yes."

I rolled my eyes as the elevators moved downwards. "I'm sorry. It didn't really appeal to me much." I waved him off, feigning a yawn.

He chuckled lightly, leaning against the wall across me. "It'd surprise me if it did."

"Like that would happen." I snorted, receiving a smirk from him. I stuck my tongue out. As silence reoccurred, I closed my eyes, humming the tune of my favorite song as quietly as I could.

I guess silence is my best friend when Axel and Natalia's not there.

I sighed. I'm a loner.

I was brought back to reality when I heard the elevator ping, signalling that its doors will open. I composed myself, straightening my tidy hair. Through my peripheral vision, I saw Jeremy roll his eyes.

"Girls." He muttered under his breath, walking ahead of me.


I moved my feet to match his pace, wondering where he was headed. But it was tiring. I slowed down to the extent of my liking, frowning.

"Where are we going?" I asked, making a left turn just as he did.

"There's no we," He emphasized, drawing out his left hand and stretching out the distance between his thumb and index finger as if he wanted me to understand clearly. I rolled my eyes. "You're the only one assuming that."

"But you offered to finish the tour." I argued, crossing my arms.

I didn't want to get tangled with him anyway.

I just... ran out of choices.

"I didn't." He retorted, stopping his tracks as he spun around to face me. "I only asked if you wanted to do so." He pressed, an amused expression printed on his face.

"But even so, I-"

"There's no argument valid here, Williams." He interrupted me as he went back to his direction of choice and continued walking. I scoffed as I clenched my fists in annoyance.

Only if I had a choice, I mentally thought as I chased after him.

"Why are you still following me?" He inquired, his gaze focused on his north and not falling down on me even for a moment.

Right, that's what I've been asking earlier.

Why am I following him?

"Why?" I blurted in defiance, arching an eyebrow. "Aren't I allowed to?"

Stupid, stupid Penelope.

Why did I say that?

"That's considered stalking." He answered briefly.

"The last time I checked stalking was pursuing quarry stealthily," I retorted as I looked at him in curiosity. "This doesn't look stealthy to me, Ford."

He stopped again, arching an eyebrow before turning a sharp right. I looked back our path warily.

When will this end? My legs are tired.

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