Disguise 34: The Inevitable

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Inevitable

Disguise 34

-Penelope's POV-

People always find themselves loving something that can never be theirs. Knowing that will always be a bitter pill to swallow.

I remembered laughing it off as Axel told me this back when we were only ten, ridiculing the way he said it so seriously even though he didn’t understand what he just said. We were in our secret hideout then, our bodies exhausted from escaping our babysitters. The clouds splayed across the wide skies colored in a mesmerizing mix of blue and red as the sun set before us. Sand covered our small feet, the water barely touching the tips of our toes as the waves crashed gently against the shore in a calming rhythm.

It was also then that I acknowledged Axel’s natural fascination to human nature, his gray eyes twinkling in a sparkle I have always admired. He was definitely a life coach in his previous life. Although he questions that with a scrunch of his nose, he never truly did oppose the idea. He and I both know it sounds really cool.

Nevertheless, that day, I also realized the hypocrisy given to me as a blessing at such a young age.

Times like these never fail to take me back to that day. It was the times where sadness magnified and occupied the rest of my thoughts that I recall that particular picture eight years ago. The scene replays in my head so vividly as if it was something that happened the day before. My chest hurts and my lips quiver at the threat of impending tears before I even realize it.

It was life’s way of saying to me that reality itself is a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

My eyes drink in the sight of the purple walls of the room I’ve stayed in ever since I stepped foot in what everyone considers to be my family’s enemy territory. I propped my upper body up with my elbows as I took in more and more of my surroundings. The room was dim, the lamp on the bedside table illuminating only a small fraction of the gigantic room.

I want to go back.

Did those words really come from my mouth?

My eyes squinted as I sat up, realizing that the curtains covering the ceiling-to-floor glass were slightly opened, the city lights providing light to another part of the room. My body shifted towards the edge of the bed, only stopping when my legs touched the soft-carpeted floor. For some reason, it made the tips of my lips turn upward in a small smile.

I have come here, in a city foreign and unknown to me, just to search something. There was a purpose on why I ran away. A reason for my selfishness. An excuse for my stupid decisions as a princess spoiled by the luxuries handed to her on a silver platter. Though that took me a lot of fights against my stubborn self, I’ve acknowledged it.

I was a young brat who thought she could find what she was looking for if she went to a place her parents will never think about. And unfortunately, my little tantrum that went overboard did not change who I was.

I still am an immature princess who only wanted attention from everyone. Especially, her parent’s attention.

And it took me countless rollercoaster rides of twists and turns to figure that out. Many blades had to scrape pain out of my heart just for me to realize that I merely ran away from a situation that had been happening every single day in the house I grew up in, always running my mouth over how horrible it was instead of thinking ways to change it. Ounces of regret and guilt had to choke me just for me to screw it in my head that I made a mistake.

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