Disguise 17: The Party

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Party

Disguise 17

-Penelope's POV-

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived.

Many people cramped their selves on the dance floor. Others chilled in the pool while most just drank and enjoyed the show.

But, of course, this was the welcoming committee.

I don't know what to expect when I divulge further into the depths of the Richards residence.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I collided with sweaty bodies on the way to the mansion. When the coast was clear, I spotted Kevin with two women clinging unto him.

He looks like an airhead than a stalker, to be honest.

"Richards!" I exclaimed his name, walking to him. He turned around to my direction and offered me a sly grin of welcome. I crossed my arms and scowled at him.

"Williams," He greeted with a slight slur. The two bimbos in his arms giggled. "Bienvenue."

"Spare me the French, idiot." I hissed. Looking back at where I passed, I lifted an eyebrow at the lack of company.

Does that mean I'm stuck with this manwhore?

"Have you seen Melissa?" I asked him. "Or anyone else? I don't want to be a lonely deer in this crowd."

"Nope." He replied, before locking his lips to the blonde in his arms. I felt bile lodge in my throat. I fled from the disgusting scene.

Geez, that man has no manners.

I walked around the area, retrieving myself a red cup of beer on the way. Taking a sip, I sat down on one of the stools away from the crowd as I searched for any sign of Melissa.

Bad thing is, there were none.

I came with her, seeing it reasonable after she barged in my room saying Natalia allowed her to.

She must know that I'm in no mood to be the designated driver tonight.

I sighed in resignation, my shoulders slumping in defeat.

Did she really need to get laid for her to hook a guy fast?

I shuddered at my inward thoughts, shaking my head.

I don't want to think about it.

I fetched myself another drink by the time I finished the contents of my red cup, walking towards the dancing crowd. I made sure to avoid the grinding bodies, careful not to cringe.

That's when I saw the familiar dirty-blond hair, distraught green orbs staring at me.

We just kept our gazes for a while, standing on either side of the gigantic pool. Looking at him made me forget the noise of the party and zero in on him.

Worse is, my body remains glued to the ground.

His legs sought his way to me, taking long strides. I brought the red cup to my lips and took a sip of the alcohol.

"Duck." He breathed as my neck craned to accommodate his height. I gave him a small smile.

"Selly." I muttered, my arms wrapping around him in an instant. I noticed how his entire body turn rigid, too shocked from my sudden move. I felt him smile against my neck before responding to my embrace.

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