Disguise 29: The Abduction

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Abduction

Disguise 29

-Penelope's POV-

Darkness filled every corner of my vision.

Not just any darkness. It was as if it was a living creature, breathing and crawling down my neck as deafening silence brushed along my body.

A hard cold surface pressed on my cheek, beads of sweat dripping down my face.

It was then that I realized that I was isolated in a room I didn't know.

My eyes blinked, and blinked again. I wasn't dreaming. It wasn't some sort of mind trick cast upon me. I was abducted.

I let my right hand rest on my forehead. I wasn't bound in ropes or chains or anything, but I guess it was unnecessary. Staying in an uncomfortable room such as this was enough for you to understand that you have no need to escape.

I reached my left hand out, shivering when cold air met my skin. Well, it was indeed winter, and I was just abducted in my home clothes without a coat. Not that I was expecting them to grab my coat before leaving.

If they expected me to talk, they should've thought about giving me at least a good mattress. I can't converse with a stiff neck.

Yup, that should totally be an unwritten rule to kidnappers.

I sighed as I let my arms drop to my sides. It really is time, huh?

I was surprisingly calm. All along I thought that I would panic and beg for their understanding, but there's... nothing. It was like I expected it to happen and when it did, I'm just feeling pretty much okay. Heck, I even got the time to joke around with myself. That made it sound like I was lonely, didn't it?

But maybe I'm just thinking too much into it. Maybe I was panicking deep down, or maybe I was already scared of going home. Maybe I just hid those feelings in a disguise and made myself believe they weren't there.

Well, I'm not really an amazing person so reading too much into my actions seem like the most reasonable answer.

"You're awake."

I felt my chest tighten as I heard the feminine voice, her tone cold and hard. Despite that, I could feel fiery rage bubbling up beneath, like some sort of ticking time bomb waiting for a certain set of words before exploding. She had her brown hair tied up in a bun, funny because she told me she didn't like tying her hair, and her clothes made her look much taller. Must be on purpose to illicit some sort of fear within me.

I broke her trust, and I was going to pay. All my mind could register was the nervousness and the tightening of my throat. I released a deep breath and met her eyes filled with silent fury.

"That I am, Melissa." I muttered, and it was so calm that even I got creeped out.

"Can you please not call me that?" She said, her voice laced with disgust as she winced. I shrugged.

"Not happening," I denied flatly. Her eyes narrowed at my response. "I mean, I do prefer calling you by Melissa instead of nicknames."

"Don't act buddy-buddy with me!" She exclaimed in exasperation as her eyes turned to glare at me. I smiled faintly as my eyes locked on to the ceiling, my attention divided.

"For the record, I wasn't acting buddy-buddy with you," I told her honestly. I relied on my instincts that she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "I was just being civil."

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