Disguise 35: The Bickering

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Recap on The Inevitable:

Penelope was thinking her life over when Natalia came in. It was then that Natalia confirmed her planned departure from New York and they had a heart-to-heart talk. Their "talk" was cut off short quickly when the guest came in.



Rich Kid in Disguise

The Bickering

Disguise 35

-Penelope's POV-

"Please leave."

My eyes watched the brunet comfortably seat himself on the couch across my bed, his own eyes not meeting my own but instead wandering off to every corner of the room. His hair was disheveled and his hands were tapping his knees repeatedly.

It wouldn't take a genius to know he was nervous about something.

I rubbed my wrists gently in discomfort. "What brings you here?" I inquired as I checked the time. Seeing the clock indicating 15 minutes after midnight had my eyes narrowing in disapproval. "At this time, most especially."

"It's winter break."

I snapped my fingers. "Exactly. Shouldn't you be spending it with your family?"

"Are you really saying that right now, Williams?" He retorted with a raised eyebrow. I pursed my lips. Right.

His reply might have been some excuse to not talk about his family, coated in not-so-nice words. Or maybe I was just overthinking it and he really had no hidden purpose. Either way, he was right.

I shouldn't judge his decisions when I didn't let him with mine.

"I..." My voice trailed off. Silence followed just as quickly, and it was then that I noticed that I was lagging behind the conversation. "You've made your point." I said as I cleared my throat.

Jeremy had his eyes narrowed this time, his gaze analytical as if scanning everything there is to know about me. It was like I was in front of some lie detector. But it wasn't really like there was anything to argue. He is indeed a living and breathing lie detector.

And I'm pretty sure that I've repeated that like a broken record for a while now.

He adjusted himself on the couch and made himself more comfortable. He kept his mouth shut, refusing to let even a sound escape from his mouth. If he noticed what I meant beneath my words, he didn't show it.

Annoyingly so.

I placed my hands behind my head. "Let me revise my question then," I proposed, somewhat. He shrugged, signalling a go ahead to which I gratefully accepted. "What crawled up your ass that you decided to invade the room that was specifically made to repel wild Jeremy Fords?"

He gave me a bored look. "Is that really the best thing you can do right now?"

"What did you expect?" My slight irritation couldn't have surfaced at a better time. "You're talking to a woman with bandages on her wrist who was living in her moment until you barged in with no intentions of leaving soon." I let in a slight pause for breathing. "Today's not my best day, Ford."

I saw him open his mouth when I rambled, but he closed it. He was letting my words sink in his arrogant head. My teeth clenched as he refused to speak for a while. Get the freaking hint, will you?

"What happened? To your wrists." He clarified when my left eyebrow raised in response to his question. Instinctively, my eyes dropped towards the bandages, mentally wincing at the struggle I had a while ago.

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