Disguise 27: The Feeling

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Feeling

Disguise 27

-Penelope's POV-


That was the first thing that registered in my mind when I opened my eyes. Where was I again?

Oh, that's right. I was in Axel's apartment.

I stretched my hand, horrified of the fact that my fingers started to poke something wet. I screamed as I hurriedly stood up, nearly knocking myself on the floor in the process. I then saw both Melissa and Natalia beautifully positioned on the bed.

And by beautifully, I meant that they were both sprawled out on the bed in awkward positions and moved most of the pillows and blankets on the floor.

I crinkled my nose in disgust when I realized I dipped my hand in Melissa's open mouth. It really was a miracle on how I didn't fall down on the bed because of their movements.

I suddenly tripped on a pillow, my body hitting the floor with a loud thud. I groaned as sharp pain spread all over my back region, silently cursing over my wonderful start of the morning.

The door opened, revealing three faces I didn't want to see first thing in the morning.

"What happened?" Axel said in a groggily, a tinge of worry lacing in his tone. I tried to get up, but ended up squeaking as pain pricked me when I tried to move.

Three pairs of eyes landed on my unfortunate position, simultaneously snickering.

I will so kill them when I recover from this.

"Williams?" Jeremy called with a wide grin. How I wish to cut off his perfect teeth. "What are you doing this early?"

I noticed Kevin's eyes flicker in the pillow resting on my feet and then back to me. "Is this some new yoga exercise?"

"Shut up," I hissed, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment as I send a deadly glare on the three imbeciles. "Just help me stand."

Unfortunately, the three of them were too busy enjoying my misfortune. With a groan, I tried my best to stand up, and succeeded.

The pain suddenly makes me think that I broke my spinal cord, which I hope didn't happen. Still sucks, though.

I took a deep breath, took a step forward, and smiled sweetly towards three idiots who are still too busy entertaining themselves. Bracing myself, I held the door and closed it in a rather forceful way, the other side muttering curses as the impact probably hit some part of them. I stuck my tongue out the door, as if the door was made of glass and that they could see me. Ha! Take that.

"Tiffany?" I heard Natalia call out groggily, and my focus turned to her. I quickly composed myself and smiled sweetly, walking up to her just as she sat up from her position. "What's up with that sound?"

I patted her head, trying hard not to laugh at her messy hair. Well, I wasn't exactly saying mine wasn't either. "Good morning, Natalia. Today is just a fantastic day, isn't it?"

She looked at me in confusion. I stopped patting her head and decided to sit down beside her. "What's up?"

I returned her gaze before shaking my head. "It's nothing."

"Open the door, Duck!"

"Shut up, Selly!" I exclaimed to the door. I heard Axel mutter something, but I chose not to dwell on it and decided to wake up Melissa.

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