Disguise 9: The Rivalry

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Rich Kid in Disguise

The Rivalry

Disguise 9

-Penelope's POV-

I woke up with the sunlight blinding my vision, making me fall to the floor head first and trip over a couple of things when I stood up.

I wasn't used to covering my windows.

I groaned at the sight of the witch in the mirror, rubbing my eyes groggily.

Well, guess that is the reason I have a very unrecognizable face.

You know, with the bird's nest of a hair and a pathetic excuse of a face.

My eyes were dark, again kudos to the sunlight, my nose red. My cheeks were puffy and made me look like I still had baby fats in my face. My lips were chapped, drool emphasizing my mismatched beauty in the morning.

I sighed, wiping the drool with my sleeves.

Gotta love New York.

I covered my windows, realizing I haven't turned on any lighting. I slapped my forehead.

Great, now I am being stupid.

I reopened the blinds, blinking as I struggled to adjust my eyes' vision. I squinted my eyes, walking slowly to the light switch. Careful not to trip again, I headed back to my previous direction to close it. I sighed in relief.

There, much better.

I coughed, my throat burning. I ran to the kitchen, serving myself some orange juice in record time. I checked the clock, realizing I was up way too early for someone sleeping late.

How's Natalia?

The doorbell rang, making me jump and clutch my chest. I put my glass down, heading for the door.

Who could be up so early?

Well, other than me.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror Natalia placed in the living room, reminding me that I still wasn't finished in fixing myself.

To hell with that.

I opened the door slightly and peeked as to who the visitor might be. The visitor was a guy, a tall guy at that, wearing some expensive leather jacket and pants. His shoes screamed classy, his messy dirty blond hair a bonus to the whole package. Although I was only checking him out with his back turned to me, I was pretty sure this boy reeked luxury in life. "Yes?"

The man turned around, a big goofy smile in his face. My face fell, disappointed. Instead, I narrowed my eyes at the man. "What do you want?"

"No welcoming committee?" He asked in a gruff tone, looking around. I rolled my eyes.

"Why, were you expecting one in the morning? You must've visited the wrong address." I told him, yawning. He crossed his arms.

"I didn't, Duck. That is of course unless I am visiting some bird sanctuary." Axel mused, his lips in an amused smirk. "That reminds me, nice hair. Who did the hairdo, a crow?"

"Thanks," I muttered sarcastically as I tried to tame my brown hair with my hands, opening the door for him. He grinned, walking with me.

"Why the frown?" He asked.

"Why the smile?" I retorted, mocking him. He stuck his tongue out, skipping to the kitchen. I widened my eyes, blinking repeatedly.

Axel, skipping to the kitchen?

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