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July 2008

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July 2008

Almost every day Momma has been letting me hang out with my friends outside.

Today, she's letting Reign and Skyla come over for a sleepover.

"Make sure that room clean, Charisma. I don't got time for these lil girls going home telling they parents our house dirty," Momma yells from the kitchen.

I vacuum my floor making sure to get every corner. I've never had a sleepover before, so I'm guessing it's just like any other night, except with friends?

There's a beep coming from the oven, indicating the brownies I baked are done. "I got it, Momma!" I yell out.

Using an oven mitt to carefully take out the brownie pan, I feel Momma's stare over my shoulder.

"Hate it when you watch me."

She scoffs, "I gotta make sure you're doing it right." There's a pause as she watches me place the pan on a counter. "You sure those are done? I don't know about you, but I like the edges of my brownies hard."

I roll my eyes, "Considering they aren't for you, I frankly do not care how you like your brownies."

She stares at me with a look of warning, "Watch it, smart-ass."

I shrug and go back to rinsing my hands. I flick some access water in her face as a joke before heading to my room.

The girls should be here in about two hours, so I have a lot of time left over.

There's a knock on the door. "I got it!" I yell to Momma.

Expecting my friends to be at the door, it's Jahseh.

He doesn't say a word as he blankly stares at me.

"Uhh, yes?" I say looking around.

We haven't spoken to each other since he walked me home last month. The most we've done since was a wave from our own homes.

"You trynna hang or something?"

I look back into the house and see Momma trying to clean the kitchen table just to look occupied; knowing she's trying to hear the whole conversation.

I step on the porch, making sure to close the door behind me. "Why? You and Zaelyn not cool right now or sum?"

"Nah, we chillin'." He says bluntly.

My eyebrows crease. He's never asked me to hang out before, so I'm kind of skeptical to say yes. "Why are you here?"

He shoves his hands in his pocket. "Fine. Girls are stupid. I didn't even want to hang out with you anyways. My Mom told me to come over here and ask 'cause she sees you staring at me all the time."

I can't tell if he's lying or not, I genuinely hope he is. It would be so embarrassing if his mother caught me staring at him.

Most times I don't even mean to do it; I look over, and Jahseh's outside doing something dumb. Then, before I know it, I realize I'm staring and it looks weird.

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