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August 2008

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August 2008

We're sitting in homeroom, English, writing about what we did over the Summer.

We have to present these, so I make sure to make mine nice and neat.

Skyla leans to see what I'm drawing. "I hate when people watch over my shoulder."

"Dang," she says taking offense. "My bad."

"It's cool, just back up." I go back to drawing and writing about what I did. Which wasn't much, but I'll make it sound more interesting with the power of exaggeration.

When everyone is finished the teacher, Ms. Angel, stands up, "Would anyone like to present first?"

Not a single hand reaches the air. My eyes hit the floor, trying to look busy.

She sighs, "I was prepared for this." I peek over and watch her go to her desk and rummage through her drawers.

She pulls out a cup and places popsicle sticks in them, "If I call your name, you are to come up and present your introduction worksheet."

I slouch back in my chair, every time the teacher used popsicle sticks at my old school, my name was always the first to be called.

She shakes up the cup and uses her fingers to make the popsicle sticks move around. She pulls one out and smiles, "Charisma!" She says.

"The curse continues," I mutter.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I grab my paper and walk to the front of the classroom. Feeling everyone's eyes watching me.

Clearing my throat, I start, "My name is Charisma Solace, and which means 'Aura of Comfort.' I just moved here from Arkansas. This summer I spent my time saying goodbye to my old friends and making new ones."

"Arkansauce?" A kid repeats, "Where's that?"

"It's in the south, but it's like fifteen hours away from here."

"Why would you move to Plantation? This ghetto ass city." Another girl asks.

"Language." The teacher calls out.

I laugh, "It's better than where I came from. A lot more interesting too."

"If I were you, I would've moved to Miami or Orlando. That's where Universal and Disney Land are."

"Well, it wasn't up to me. If I had my own money, I'd be living at Disney Land, don't you think?"

There's a small set of laughter from the class, I smile in return.

"Tell us a fun fact about yourself, Charisma." The teacher reminds me.

"Oh, um..." I hesitate, "A fun fact about me is that I can tell the future."

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