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March 2013

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March 2013

"Lick that shit, and then roll it," Jahseh says as he demonstrates how to roll a blunt.

We just finished rinsing our wraps. I roll tightly just like he said, then show him the finished product. "Good?"

"Good." He places it between his lips and then allows me to use my hands to cover the end for the lighter.

He lights it then passes it to me.

I inhale then exhale. "My butt hurts."

We're sitting on the sidewalk in front of my house. The hot, Florida sun isn't helping the situation either. Both of us barefoot with our legs spread in front of us. "I deadass hear my ass cheeks cooking."

"Shut up."

Both of us smoke in silence. I'm still trying to adjust to the feeling while Jahseh is breathing that shit in like it's air.

"You know you don't have to if you don't want to."

"I just wanna see what it's like to get high," I cough out. "They said there's a feeling of ecstasy when you're zooted."

He chuckles.

"Aye, Jah?"


"That car been circling around for quite a while. Who do you think.."

Before I can finish getting my words out, the car that I'm sure I've seen pass by about five times finally pulls up.

Jahseh hops up immediately.

The windows roll down and at least four men are poking their heads out to look.

"Yo ass came out here to the burbs and forgot who you fuck with?" The passenger shouts out.

"Nah nigga, I been chillin. I'm with y'all tonight though, ight?" He daps up each and everyone one of them in the car.

As he and the last person finish their handshake, he says, "We serious, bro. We been riding around and shit and we thinking about hitting one of these houses up."

"As long as it's not this house, we good."

"And why is that?"

He nods in my direction. I'm still sitting on the ground with a blunt in my mouth and a pack of Purple Swishers laying next to me.

I tilt my head to the side and put my hand over my forehead to block the sun out of my eyes, squinting to get a better look at them.

"This yo bitch, bro?" One of them asks.

"It don't matter who she is, just make sure you don't go anywhere near her. Or I'll fuck every single one of you pussy niggas up, got that?"

"Whatever, Jah. Be outside by eleven and bring the Eagle. We'll be waiting."


They turn their music up and drive off.

"The fuck is an Eagle?" I ask.

"A bird," he says sarcastically.

"The fuck are you gonna get a bird from?"

He laughs and walks off, "C'mon, dumbass."

I grab the pack and try to quickly tiptoe my way into the house to try to prevent my toes from burning.


I'm outside of my body.

Literally, I can see my slumped-over body on the couch.

"Jahseh!" I scream.

"What?" He yells back.

"Am I dead?!" I panic as I shakily point a finger at my body.

He starts to laugh hysterically. "Yo ass is beyond faded, no way you seeing shit."

He pulls out his phone and starts recording. "Fuck is you crying for?"

"Because I'm dead and didn't go to Heaven," I choke out as I sob.

"How you know you're not in Heaven?"

"Because you're here too."

He's laughing as I climb onto the couch and hug my dead body.

"She smoked half a hit y'all," he narrates as he records me sobbing on the couch.

"Stoppp bro. This shit ain't funny. This exactly why we both in Hell now because you don't wanna take shit serious."

He laughs harder than he did before, "Oh shit," he sighs and heads towards the kitchen.

I watch as different spirits walk past me and ghosts walk past me. One of them I could've sworn was my grandma that's been dead for years.

People of all different races and colors are running past me in fear.

It's getting hotter and hotter, so I pull off my shirt. Then that gives me a good idea.

I start to take off my pants too.

Jahseh walks back in with a glass of water and almost drops it when he says me getting naked. "Charisma, what the fuck are you doing?!"

"We only wear clothes because Adam and Eve ate the apple and gained knowledge. If we all just stay naked maybe we'd go—"

"No, no, no," he sighs. He squeezes a slice of lemon into the water and hands it to me. "Drink that shit until it's completely gone. When you're done, go take a cold shower."

"Why come?"

"Because you're fried out of your mind right now and I'll be damned if the first time I see your pretty ass body naked is because you think it'll piss Satan off."

I drink the water.

He grabs the spare house key and walks to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To get you something to eat, when I come back the water better be gone and you better be in your room, in the bed."

I gasp, "Jah!"


"Look, the water is floating!" The water is flying out of my cup and into the air. The droplets look like I can grab them and place them in my mouth.

Like, water in space.

"I don't like repeating myself. That shit better be gone by the time I get back."

He opens the door then shuts it and locks it.

I look up at the water that currently floats in the air and wonder how he expects me to drink that.

"And I hate lemons," I murmur.

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