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April 2009

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April 2009

Skyla, Reign, and I are talking as we walk to the playground together after lunch.

"And now she trynna call my moms over some stupid shit like—"

"What's going on over there?" I ask interrupting Reigns' rambling session.

There's a crowd of kids yelling and jumping up and down.

"Aye, where the fuck is Charisma?" Someone yells.

"What about me?" I say walking up closer.

I take the chance to look at the scene; Jahseh's fighting one of his classmates. He picked him up by the legs, despite him being shorter, and slammed him on the ground.

My jaw drops.

"Jahseh!" I yell, shoving through everyone. I attempt to pull him off the kid, but he continues to punch him in the face.

"Bitch ass nigga!" He curses in between a punch.

Another boy comes over to help me break up the fight, he pushes his way between the boys and takes the kid Jahseh was fighting to the other side of the playground. 

I drag Jahseh by the collar of his shirt to the opposite end.

"What are you doing?!" I shout.

He looks at the ground, huffing angrily as there are tears in his eyes.

"What are you fighting over now?"

He sniffs, "he was picking on a first grader and I didn't like that."

I rub my hand over my face. "Bro, do you not care about consequences? They said you have one more fight before you're expelled from this school!"

In all honesty, they've been really lenient with him on his fighting.

"Jahseh, after today we seriously might not even go to the same school anymore! Is that really how you want things to be?!"

He's looking at the ground as he processes what I said.

"Jahseh Onfroy!" The security guard shouts, "Office, now."

Jahseh gives me a look that reads I'm sorry before walking off.

Skyla and Reign run over to comfort me, but I want nothing more than to cry right now.


I'm sitting on Jahseh's porch, waiting on him and Cleo to come home.

School ended over an hour again, but they had to stay for an important meeting.

My knees are resting on the step below me as I stare at my house from his.

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