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July 2014

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July 2014

"FUCK!" Jahseh yells from across the house.

Today we're in my home and he decided to "sleepover" again.

As if my closet isn't holding more of his clothes than my own.

"What is it?" I ask from the kitchen.

No response.

If I had to guess it's because one of his songs didn't get as many streams as he'd hoped.

Him and Stokeley haven't given up on making music yet. They believe they're gonna make it. And if they believe they can, I'll support them every step of the way.

I pick up my bowl of grapes and stride towards my room to see Jahseh sitting crisscross on the floor with my laptop in front of him.

Closing the room door with my foot, I plop a grape in my mouth and ask him what's wrong.

"This fuck ass music, bro. This shit pissing me off."

"Let me hear."

He presses play and the first thing I notice is the extremely long intro. It goes hard, but it's too lengthy.

"Tell these fuck niggas I said Very Rare."

Very Rare is the group Stokeley started about a month ago. I haven't met them yet, but Jahseh says they're pretty cool people.

I'm guessing this song was written a while ago though, Very Rare fell off a few months after it was started.

He's now a part of Members Only. A group he started.

I continue eating grapes as I listen to his lyrics. Once the songs over he looks at me expecting a response.

"It's a seven."

"A seven?!"

"Mhm," I hum planting a grape in my mouth.

"Fuck you mean a seven??"

"It's a seven. What? You thought that shit was a ten?"

"At least an eight, c'mon." He begs.

I shake my head. "You should know by now I'm not one of those kiss-ass girlfriends. I'm not gonna sugarcoat shit." I grab my laptop and rewind the song. "This long-ass intro? Yeah, it's gotta go."

"What you mean?"

"We get it, the instrumental hard as fuck. But you know how bored people will get? This new generation, everyone's attention spans are declining hella."

I can feel his eyes staring into my side profile; something he does when he's taking time to listen and think about what's being said.

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