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A/N: y'all would've had this chapter weeks ago if i didn't have so many INTERRUPTIONS (i'm lying, im j lazy)

A/N: y'all would've had this chapter weeks ago if i didn't have so many INTERRUPTIONS (i'm lying, im j lazy)

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June 2014

"You missed a spot," Jahseh complains for the millionth time. 

"Oh my fuckin—," I grab the sink sprayer and purposely spray water in his face. "I'm sick of you!"

"She's drowning me!" He yells.


"He's lying, Cleo. We're okay."

I scrub his scalp with conditioner and make sure to comb it through the ends.

Earlier today, Jahseh asked me to wash his hair and give him some quick twists before his job interview tomorrow.

I agreed which was the worse decision I could've made for myself.

Not because of his hair, in fact, that's the easiest part. The problem is Jahseh.

His ass complaining every second. Whether it's the water being too hot or too cold, or it's because I'm not scratching hard enough.

I know he's joking, but damn.

"Rissy, I think you—"

"Nope. We're done." I say turning off the water and grabbing the towel to dry his face and hair.

I secure the towel around his head and have him follow me to the bathroom. Throwing his arms around my neck, rests his head on mine, and lets out a heavy sigh.

"You should wash my hair more often, baby. What you think?"

"I think the fuck not."

He laughs before planting a kiss on my temple.

Once we make it to the bathroom, I tell him to sit down on the closed toilet seat while I look for hair products.

While squatting down, and searching through the cabinets; I grab the necessary hair gel, combs, and hair clips.

As I'm about to stand up, this nigga propped up behind me. "You trynna dye my hair?" He asks reaching around me for the box of honey-blonde hair dye.

"Doesn't that mean more washing?"

"My favorite part!" He smiles.

I struggle to suppress the smile growing on my face as I playfully roll my eyes. "Fine, let's do it."

He lightly grabs my chin and turns my head in his direction, slightly over my shoulder, to place light kisses on my lips.

We spend the next hours prepping and dying his hair. Jahseh acted like a baby when it came to the detangling.

Spending every second flinching and swatting at my hand whenever the comb got caught in a tangle.

Once the hard part is complete, we take a break to examine his now blondish-colored hair.

My wrists and hands feel like they're on fire when I finally lay down on Jahseh's bed.

He's showing off his hair to Cleopatra who seems to not care. He's yelling at the top of his lungs, which he tends to do for you no reason at all.

I curl my knees to my chest, staring at the window.

There are random times when I miss my parents. Now being one of them.

Jahseh can go to Cleo about anything. Regardless of the terms they're on.

While my father's dead and my mom's traveling to every state but mine.

I can't help but feel a little envious when Cleo yells at him to get away while he just grins and continues to be Jah.

Jahseh slides his hand up my shirt and rubs my bare back. "Cramps?"

Before I get a chance to say no, he gasps. "Yo, Charisma?!"

"What?" I say sitting up.

"Turn back around."

"Why?" I say standing up in a panic, "Is there a bug?!"

He takes my wrist and turns me, not giving me a chance to process what just happened. "Rissy, you got a tat?"

I mentally facepalm myself. "Oh, right."

"That shit actually go hard as fuck. Yo, hold on."

"I got it a few months ago, and my belly pierced," I say, sitting back down.

Jahseh rubs his hand along the tattoo. "Why'd you get it?"

"In all honesty, I was bored. But I like it. It says a lot with just one word. Generally, you're always alone. No matter how much you tell people. You know yourself better than anyone.

To me, I was at a really low point when you were locked up. I was very alone. No friends, no parents. I don't know. I just felt like it made sense at the time. I'm sure I'll regret it later though."

You finally look up from my hands and see Jahseh staring at me blankly. "What?"

His head tilts as a faint smile rests on his face. "I just re-fell in love with you."


"I'm stealing that shit, by the way."


"Hell yeah, who did it?"

"This guy named Preston but he don't really do work on minors without an adult. He was iffy doing mine."

"I'll figure something out."

"Yeah, cmon. Let me finish this head of yours." I sigh, running my hands through it. "Cranium big as hell so this might take a while."

I go get the needed hair supplies from the bathroom while Jahseh makes himself a pallet in front of the floor of his bed.

I get comfortable and help him find a show for us to watch while I get started.

We spend the next couple hours talking while Blue Spring Ride plays in the background.

I finish the final twist and exhale, falling back into his bed. "My fingers are officially dead for the night."

He hovers over me, smiles, and kisses my face. "Thank you, Charisma. I'll clean everything up. Give your ass a chance to rest."

I close my eyes and before knowing it, I hear Jahseh calling my name. "What?" I yell back.

"Come here!"

I sigh and climb out of bed. Stumbling my way to the bathroom.

"Jah, I just closed my eyes—"

"You was slumped for at least 20 minutes."


"Anyways," he places down the bowl with leftover dye and rummages through the cabinets. "I'm about to dye yo shit to match me."

I pick up the bleached brush. "This don't look like enough for a full head, bae. Besides I don't think I would want a full head anyway."

"We'll only do a section then. Trust me."

He leads me to the sink where he now washes my hair. It feels so relaxing I almost fall back asleep.

We make it back to the bathroom and I talk Jahseh through parting. It's his first time, so I watch through the mirror, guiding him the best I can.

He parts a pretty even square into the right side of my hair where the bleach and color will go.

By the end of the process, my hair is its natural black color with a square brown on its side. While Jahseh has a full head of the same color.

He pulls out his phone, and takes a picture of him cheesing with his entire hand covering my face as I laugh into it.

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