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May 2014

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May 2014

Jahseh's POV

"Just sent our music to Scheme," I announce.

"I hope he fucks with it," Stokeley says.

Me and Stokes have been working hard on our music. We want to make it out, if not that, we want to put Broward on the map.

Writing music is addictive and helps me release feelings that I wouldn't be comfortable enough to express out loud.

I look around and see Reign walking toward our table.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with the girl, but if Charisma says she's weird, then I think she's weird too.

I flick Charisma's thigh. I know if I look at her she'll fuss at me, so I keep my eyes ahead and hope she'll get the message I'm trying to send her.

"Oh," I hear her say under her breath when she sees what I'm looking at.

"Heyyy," Reign sighs.

She doesn't get a hello from anyone.

"Where's Sky?" Charisma asks looking back down at the paper.

"Oh, yeah. She and Zae went off campus for lunch." She sits in front of me. "Was hoping I could chill with you guys?"

"You might as well," Stokeley snickers. "You already look comfortable."

We sit in awkward silence until Charisma sighs and stands up. "If she stays, I'm out." I stand up too.

"Hell nah, you two are not about to leave me with a stranger. Sit down." Stokeley says. "And finish reading my shit."

I look at Charisma to decide whether or not we're going to stay or go.

She rolls her eyes and sits back down, so I do too.

I know she isn't rolling her eyes at the situation, but at the fact that I'm copying her and she thinks it's cute.

Nobody says a word.

"So," Reign starts. "What're you guys reading."

"She's reading my lyrics," Stokeley responds.

"Oh, that's right! Jah! You write too, right? Can I read something you wrote?"


"No." Charisma answers.

"No," I repeat.

"Chari, do we have a problem?" She says turning her gaze toward her. "Thought we were cool?"

Charisma finally looks her in the eyes and hands me the lyrics. "I don't know. Do we? Because we weren't this cool until my boyfriend came around."

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