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January 2013

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January 2013

It's been only a few weeks since I've been at home with Momma.

We've been getting along quite well, and honestly, it's shocking.

Since we're in a new neighborhood, I'm going to a different high school.

Piper High.

Momma registered me last week, so I start today just like everyone else.

Ignoring the fact that I missed the entire first semester.

I have a few more weeks with Momma before she makes her first trip stop in Illinois. 

I feel kind of nervous to be living alone, but that's why Momma moved us to this nice neighborhood. There's a low crime rate, and everyone is pretty much to themselves.

Momma drops me off at the front of the school, kisses my cheek, and wishes me good luck on my first day.

I smile in return as I walk towards the doors.

The first thing I do is look at the students.

Everyone here is wearing the latest shoes, as expected.

I'm wearing the newest Jordan F2F II.

I make my way to the front office and ask for my schedule and locker combination.

The secretary offers to walk me to my first class, but the entire time she just brags about how amazing the school is.

I try my best to keep a smile plastered, but if I nod my head and "mhm" any longer, I feel like I'll be stuck.

"And here's our destination!" She laughs, "If you have any questions, please ask for Mrs. Smith in the front office, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," I smile. "Thank you."

She unlocks the classroom door, I let her enter first to give myself a moment to shake off any nerves.

"Scholars, I would like to introduce you all to your newest peer," she motions for me to come in.

I start to pop my knuckles in nervousness as I walk into the room.

She gives them a lecture about school policies, but all I want to do is sit down.

After about two minutes of her straight-talking, she tells me I can have a seat whenever's available.

The only seat is at the very back next to a couple who seems very touchy.

I murmur an excuse me to get past them, but despite my manners, the girl scoffs and goes back to touching her boyfriend.

"Now that's over, back to everyone's favorite subject: World History!" The teacher squeals.

The class groans and I just lay my head down on my desk.

Trying my hardest to seem oblivious to the stare coming from the girl's boyfriend next to me.

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