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February 2009

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February 2009

Ever since the incident a few weeks ago, Jahseh hasn't been himself.

He'll smile for my sake, but the second he thinks I'm not looking, he looks miserable.

He hasn't been to school in a few days, with unexcused absences for as long as he needs.

Word got around about what happened, now students are making cards for me to give him.

"Give this to Joseh for me?" A girl says.

"His name is Jahseh," I say slowly taking the card, "Thank you."

He's been getting so many cards it's hard to keep up with. Some of them I just throw away, if I know it's from someone he doesn't like.

I don't think he reads them anyway, he says thank you and sets them off to the side. Then starts rambling to me as if things were normal.

If I didn't know him as well as I do, I would say he's handling his Uncle's passing pretty well.

But, I do know him well.

Which means I know that he's blaming himself for the entire situation.

Last time I visited him, I noticed a bunch of notes tucked underneath his bed. One of them says how he wishes he could go back and apologize for everything he's done and thank him a bit more.

There was another one saying how his birthday is cursed because last year, two months after his birthday, his dad got arrested and won't be getting out for ten years—his age at the time.

When I tried to confront him about it, he brushed it off and showed me all the songs he added to his iPod.

Skyla walks up to me to sit at our usual spot for lunch, I automatically hand her the nasty string cheese stick Momma always packs for me.

My head is in my hands as I nibble on a Lunchable cracker.

"How's he doing?" Skyla asks.

"I don't know, he's up then he's down then up again like it never happened. As soon as I get him to tell me how he's feeling, he shuts it down instantly."

She chuckles, "I still don't see what you see in him."

"Mm, and what about your White boy? What's his name again? Nathaniel?"

"Shh!" She says putting a finger to my mouth. I laugh and bite at it. "Weirdo, and his name is Nathan."

"That's what I said," I say finishing up my laughter.

"Anyways, I still can't believe you and Reign are fighting over him."

I roll my eyes. Reign hasn't spoken to me since that day, and I could care less. "There is no you and Reign," I start.

"Here you go..."

"No, I'm being serious. Me and her would still be cool if she didn't come at me sideways."

Literally, I would have had a normal conversation with her. But she called me out of my name multiple times.

Skyla passes me her container full of mixed fruits, I grab a piece of pineapple and start to chew on it. "Well, I think you two should make up." She says.

"Well, I don't care what you think," I shrug. "When she can bring her butt over here and give me a proper apology, I may consider being friends with her again."

"You're so sassy," she laughs.

I shake my head and go back to picking out the fresh fruit from her container.


"Move with yo fat ass cranium," Zaelyn laughs as he pushes my head.

I'm over at Skyla's house right now because my parents had some errands to run, and didn't feel like leaving me home alone.

"Quit playing with me, Zae." I push back.

I follow Skyla to her room and we talk for a while until the doorbell rings.

"Sky, get the door!" Her mother calls out. 

She sighs before jogging to open it. I watch the T.V until I realize it's been a while since Skyla came back.

I go to the living room to check it out.

"...Charisma's finna be pissed." I hear Zaelyn snicker.

"Over what—" My face drops instantly.

On the couch is Reign herself.

"Skyla did you—"

"Okay!" She interrupts. "I figured that the two of you would make up if one of y'all apologized. Both of you are my best friends and all this over a boy? Really?"

I raise my eyebrow and cross my arms. Reign looks me up and down with a disgusted face.

"So, you two are going to go in my room, and not come out until you're friends again. Got it?" She says.

Without leaving us any time to protest, she drags Reign to her room. I laugh, but I'm quickly interrupted when I'm scooped into Zaelyn's arms.

"Put me down!" I say trying to force my way to the ground.

"I wanna see how this shit goes, let me know when y'all about to start fighting, ight?" He laughs and tosses me onto her bed.

Reign's on the other side of the room with her arms folded.

"And you two better talk or neither of you's getting out!" Skyla says on the other side of the door.

I roll my eyes.

"So," Reign starts. "You and Jahseh, huh?"

"You obsessed with him or something? You seem to talk about him a lot more than I do."

"Nah, I'm just wondering what he sees. Why would he want you instead of me? You not even all that."

"Are you serious right now? We're supposed to be trying to make up and all you're doing is degrading me."

She sighs, "I know. It's just I can't help but think that maybe if you weren't around I would've had a chance."

"So talking me out my name was supposed to run me out?"

There's a snicker from behind the door.

"Zae!" Skyla shushes.

"I don't know what I thought, but Charisma I'm so sorry. It's fine if Jahseh chose you, but it would've been nice for a heads-up."

"Well, this is really all new to me too. Me and him don't date—" Her eyes light up. "—Yet. But I hope we can be friends again and never fight over something little like that."

"You rejected him?"

"Not exactly, I just told him we should wait until we're older. What would us kids know about love, right?"

"Right," she lets out a faint chuckle. "We cool?"

"We're cool."

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