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December 2013

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December 2013

Jahseh's POV

I haven't slept in days.

I physically can not sleep.

There are these voices in my head that constantly keep me awake.

Any moment of silence I get is instantly taken over by the fuckers in my head.

I wish they would go away.

I just want to sleep. I just want quiet.

These voices didn't start until I entered juvie. 

I hate it.

I spent all night staring at the wall drowning in my thoughts and words. The only times my eyes shut were when I needed to blink.

Which were very few times.

There's a loud click heard from the cell room gates informing us that it's time to shower and head to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I look over at my roommate who seems too scared to speak a word to me.

Which is understandable, last person they put me in a cell with, I beat their ass and wiped their blood on my face.

That's a different story though.

I enter the shower rooms and wash myself up with the small bar of soap they provide us.

Warm showers don't exist in places like this, so I make the wash-up quick enough to last me throughout the day.

I put on my same jumpsuit and head to the cafeteria.

"Jahseh, over here!"

I look up and see Stokeley with two trays in front of him.

One for him and one for me.

"Preciate it," I mutter.

Stokeley is the only nigga I allowed myself to get close with in here. He knows more about me than anyone because he can relate.

"You good bro? You acting all quiet for some reason." He says eating a spoonful of who knows what off his tray.

I shake my head as an answer.

He rubs my back and nods as a gesture to show he understands.

It drives you insane. It traumatizes you.

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