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March 2014

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March 2014

Jahseh's POV

I'm staring at the ceiling of my cell when there's a click from the metal door.

"You're free to go." A guard says as he walks by.

I sit up straight and blink for a moment. My release date has been undetermined since I got here.

I climb out of the uncomfortable bench they call a bed and rush to the end of the cell door. "Yo, what did you say?"

"You're free," he repeats. "Get out and don't let me see you again."

For the first time in a year, I feel myself genuinely smiling.


My mom's standing at the door with her arms folded. "Why are you smiling? You just got released from juvie. That's not something to be happy about."

My smile slowly fades. "You didn't miss me at all?"

"I missed you, but knowing I couldn't see you because you were in kid jail isn't something to be proud of." She turns and walks out of the building.

I'm handed all the clothes and belongings that were confiscated when I was first arrested.

I attempt to turn my phone on even though I know it's dead.

I get into my mom's car in silence. She pulls off from the one place I'd never thought I'd leave.

"Thank you for coming to get me."

"Well, it's not like I had a choice. Who else was going to?"

I sigh, "Mom. Can we not?"

"I'm sorry, Jah. It's just that I don't know how to cope. I can't decide if I want to be glad you're here or mad that you were gone in the first place."

"How about you just be happy I'm safe?"

"I'm happy you're safe." She repeats.

The next twenty minutes are spent in silence until we get home.

I inhale the fumes of the house I grew up in. I haven't been here in years. Everything looks pretty much the same.

I go to my room and sit on the full-sized bed that once was a twin sized.

Aiden isn't here. He must be spending this week with his dad.

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