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November 2008

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November 2008

I'm helping Momma prepare our Thanksgiving meal.

We don't have any family in Florida, so we're cooking things just enough for us.

She said I'm allowed to invite my friends over—friends being Skyla and Reign—, but after the situation that happened last month, I haven't talked to Reign since.

However, Skyla's more than welcome to come over and bring Zaelyn, but their going to her grandma's house or something.

I frown at the thought of it just being me, Momma, and Daddy all at the dinner table.

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a happy holiday, and eating at a table with the three of us just like it is every other night isn't fun at all.

It was a sacrifice though; Momma gave me a choice between going back home for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

I obviously chose Christmas.

As I'm helping Momma pour the cornbread mix into a bowl, there's a knock on the wall. I look over and see Daddy entering the room with a box of brownie mix.

I gasp and let out a squeal. Running to him, I hug him and get cornbread powder all over his shirt.

Momma laughs, "you know damn well not to give her no sugar."

"It's for my baby, you know I couldn't help myself," he laughs back as he rocks me back and forth.

I turn around and look at Momma, "Can we make them tonight? Please, can we can we?"

She sighs, "I guess we can—"

I'm already unboxing the brownie mix before she gets a word out.


We finally finished cooking and Momma's about to start fixing plates.

I'm a picky eater, so because my plates the easiest, I get it first.

We all sit at the table, holding hands as Daddy leads a prayer over our food.

"Amen," we say in unison.

Just as I'm about to put a scoop of macaroni into my mouth, there's a knock at the door.

Momma and Daddy give me a look that reads, answer it.

"Why do I have to get it?" I whine.

"Because we all know it's one of yo friends," Momma answers. "Probably that lil boy across the street."

I give her a look before I sigh and drop my fork onto my plate, "And his name is Jahseh."

I open the door and just like she said, Jahseh's standing there with a smile on his face. "Happy Thanksgiving, Y/n!" He says.

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