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A Few Hours Later

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A Few Hours Later

I wave to everyone goodbye as they leave my house for the after-party.

It's been a long night and I'm really tired.

I lock the house door and slowly make my way toward the bathroom to shower before bed.

I turn on the water and go to my room to pick out some clothes to change into afterward.

My phone rings and I decide whether or not I want to answer. All I want to do right now is shower and sleep.

But curiosity gets the best of me.

"Yeah?" I say answering the unsaved number.

"You feel like sneaking out to come see me?"

I look at my phone and reread the number. "Who is this?"


"What happened to your phone?"

"Fucked up."

I look at the time. It's almost 11:40 pm. "Yeah where at?"

"I'll be there to pick you up at 12, alright?"

"Yeah, got it."

He hangs up the phone.

I go back to the bathroom, hop in the shower, and start washing up.

I wonder where he's taking me. It could be out to eat. Or somewhere to star gaze? It's close to midnight, nobody's open.

After I removed my blindfold at the party, he smiled, kissed my hand, then left.

That was it.

Not a single word or anything.

Honestly, I shouldn't even be giving this kid the time of day.

But who knows, he could redeem himself.

I finish showering quickly and head back to my room. I lotion up and throw on a comfortable outfit.

I quickly walk towards Momma's room to hear if she's asleep. To my luck, she is.

Grabbing my phone, purse, and house keys, I step outside and see a black car in the driveway. Locking my house door quietly, I walk to the car.

Jahseh steps out with open arms, but I continue walking as if I don't see it.

He mutters a "damn," but still rushes to open my car door for me.

I thank him lowly and put my seatbelt on.

The entire drive to wherever we're going is in silence. Jahseh's trying to make small talk, but I'm giving him dry responses in return.

Eventually, he stops trying and drives in silence until we arrive at our destination.

Which seems to be the same park we spent hours at when we were kids.

He opens my door and walks me to the bottom of the double slide. I sit on the right, he sits on the left.

I pull my knees to my chest and inhale.

"You remember this place?" He asks.

"Of course," I sigh and stretch my arms above my head. "Many arguments, many friends, many promises."

He laughs. "You remember when that one kid kept calling you us her parents?"

I know exactly what he's talking about. When we were eleven a little girl came up to us and started calling us mommy and daddy. We tried correcting her, but she had no intention of going back to her real parent.

So we claimed her as ours for a day.

"She was the cutest thing ever."

"What did she say her name was again?"

"Damn," I say trying to remember. "I think it was Shine?"

"Yeah! Shine!" He laughs. "She was the cutest thing ever."

"She was." I agree.

I feel myself smile a little. He makes it impossible to be mad at him. And it's like he knows it.



"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I was at your party. I know I didn't say much. I promise I was so excited to see you, and you just looked so beautiful. I pussied out last second."

"Why? I don't bite."

"I owe you so much. The look on your face after seeing me for the first time is something I will never forget. You looked so happy to genuinely see me. And while I was locked up, all you wanted was to hear my voice... And I couldn't even give you that."

I finally look at him and see how serious he is. He's staring at me with a look of sympathy and just overall sadness.

"Jah," I sigh. "I'm not mad at you. I guess I was just kind of disappointed that I didn't hear from you. But you're here now and I couldn't be more thankful."



There's a glint in his eyes. He pulls my arm causing me to stumble over the divider in between the two slides.

He stables me and places me in his lap.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

He pulls my legs around him to where I'm sitting on his lap straddled. "I want you to look at me when I ask you this."


"Charisma Jayde Solace," he starts. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart drops after hearing the words I never thought he'd say.

"I promised you that when we were sixteen, we would be together. I've broken a lot, but I'm hoping this—"

"Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy."


"I'll gladly be your girlfriend, but only under one condition."

"And what's that?"

I tilt my head to the side and drape my arms behind his neck. Sitting up straighter in his lap and looking into his eyes. "You've gotta kiss me first."

He looks to the side and licks his lips.

Our lips connect in a kiss that we slowly pull away from.

I place my hands on his face and tilt my head for another kiss.

The feeling of his tongue creeping into my mouth is something foreign, but I'm here for it.

I try to pull back to smile but he lightly tugs on my bottom lip with his teeth.

And as I kiss him for the second time in my life, the feeling of excitement is flowing through my body.


Well, because I know I'm starting a new chapter with the boy I've been in love with since I was ten.

The boy who I can finally call my boyfriend.

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