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June 2013

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June 2013

"Ow! Fuck!" I yell after hitting my head on the nightstand.

I was scared awake by the sound of my ringtone being on full volume. I hit answer before reading the contact name.

"Hello?" I rasp out as I close my eyes and rub the sore spot on my forehead.


My eyes go wide at the voice. "Shit—"

"Did you just curse?" Momma says on the other line.

"No." I lie.

"Turn your light on, let me see you."

I climb out of bed, but instead of turning on the light, I open my curtain.

"Oh, you look horrible."

"Wow, thanks Ma." I deadpan.

She laughs and sets up her camera to where I can see her full body. She's in her nursing scrubs with her hair pulled back. "You look sexy Momma," I say.

"Don't tell me you turned into a lesbian."


She laughs and thanks me for the compliment. "I have exciting news for you, though."

I decide to go ahead and get ready for the day, I walk into the bathroom and prop my phone against the mirror.

I turn on the water and wet my toothbrush. "Hm?" I say while drawing a line of toothpaste on top.

"I'm coming home for the Summer!"

"Thought you said you had exciting news."

"You must wanna get yo damn teeth knocked out through the phone."

I make a huge grin while I scrub my teeth in circles.

In all seriousness, I'm excited for Momma to be back. I know she won't be here for long, but two months with someone is all I long for.

Now that school's out, the days have been going by slowly. And it's draining because it's the same thing over and over again.

And walking from place to place in this Florida heat isn't the ideal definition of enjoyable. 

"Momma, I need a car," I say.

"You're not even fifteen yet?"


"I'm kidding, you're such a baby."

I roll my eyes and cup some water into my hands.

"I'll see what I can do, though. I do understand, you're getting older and you'd want to—"

Just as I'm rubbing in my skin cleanser, there's a ring at the door.

"Who's that?"

I shrug and go back to washing my face. They start banging on the door.

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