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April 2014

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April 2014

There's a constant tapping on my back and I know it's Jahseh, which is why I'm ignoring it.

"I know you're awake," he says.

"I'm not," I say burying my head farther into my pillow.


I listen as he gets out of bed and exits the room. The bathroom sink comes on.

I try to close my eyes and get as much sleep as I can because I know what the day holds.

Cleo's making him go back to school as a compromise for him to be allowed to stay with me.

He agreed to it and now he's trying to make me go with him.

The bathroom sink has been running for a long time, and I know he's not in there. I raise my head just a bit and see him standing right in front of me with a grin.

He throws himself on top of me and I groan. "Move, Jahseh."

"I need you to hold my hand and take me to the potty, pleaseeeee," he says getting louder as he drags out the "please."

"No, I want to sleep."

"C'monnnn," rolls over and lays his cheek on mine. "She's checking my attendance and I'm not going without you. Get up."


He sighs, rises off of me, and strides to the door. "If you love me you'd wake up."

With a smile, I don't budge.

There's a long silence and I slowly feel myself drifting off back to sleep.

Jahseh's footsteps are loud as he runs back to my room and pulls me out of bed. He carries me bridal style in his arms and unlocks the back door.

It's only when he holds me over the pool that I realize what he's doing. My eyes widen. "Jah, don't. I'm so fucking serious you better not."

"Based on your actions, you don't love me, so there's only one thing left to do."

"Put me down bruh," I laugh.

"I will end both you and me. That way we're stuck together in the afterlife." He takes a step closer and says, "Say sorry."


He takes another step closer and reaches his arms out to where I'm directly over the pool.

"I'm sorry, okay. Sorry as fuck. Put me down," I say through laughter.

He tilts his head with a smirk and jerks his arms like he's about to throw me.

I close my eyes and hold my breath to prepare myself for the impact of the water. But it doesn't happen.

I hear Jahseh laughing, "Head ahh." He steps back and places me down. He's still laughing as I walk inside and flip him off through the glass.


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