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August 2009

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August 2009

"You're going back home," Momma says.

"What?!" I shout in return.

"Yep, that's it." She says throwing her hands in the air in defeat. "I'm sending you back home."

"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything to you."

Momma and I have been arguing for months.

Ever since Daddy went out of state for his military deployment, me and her haven't been getting along at all.

"You've been disrespectful, you're talking back, and you're attitude has reached heights than you'll ever be," she shouts. "Get the fuck out my house!"

"You know what?" I yell back. "Maybe I don't wanna be in this fucking house anyways. Now that Dad's gone again, I might as well not even be here."

Her mouth drops after hearing me curse for the first time. She closes it and walks back into her room yelling.

"I'm booking you a flight by tonight! Don't come back til you got some fucking sense."

"Guess I won't be coming back then," I say slamming my door.

I scream into a pillow as tears flow down my face.

"Pack your damn bag!" She yells from her room, "Calling yo auntie now to make sure she can keep your ass! Maybe you'll have some appreciation and respect for her!"

I run over to my closet and pull all my clothes off the hangers, throwing them onto my bed.

Grabbing a suitcase, I shove my belongings inside. I leave any and everything that won't fit.

Momma makes sure to talk extra loud while she's on the phone with my aunt. "And she's staying until freshman year of high school... Oh, girl that won't be that long, just a few years! ...Uh-huh, thanks again."

I wipe my tears, open my window, and climb out.

I knock on Jahseh's door and wait for him to answer. Cleo's car isn't outside, so I'm guessing he's home alone.

"Damn, can I get a second to—" He sees my face and rushes to unlock the door. "Charisma, are you.."

I walk past him and sit on the couch. He locks the door and then comes to sit by me. He strokes my hand with his thumb until I'm ready to talk.

"She's kicking me out, bro," I say sniffing.


"My mom, she's kicking me out— Sending me back home until high school."

His eyes widen, "Why?"

"We've been arguing ever since my Dad left, but today her final straw was when I didn't agree with the way she was speaking to me."

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