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a/n: tw, self-harm.

April 2013

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April 2013

It's been almost a month since Jahseh got taken to juvie.

It's not official how long his sentence is, but he's looking at nine months minimum.

Reign and Skyla came over today and are currently asking me millions of questions.

"You've seen Jahseh?!" They ask in unison.

"You haven't?"

Reign grabs a chocolate chip cookie before talking, "We heard Cleo kicked him out, then we didn't hear from him again."

"His ass went completely awol."

I stretch my arms above my head, "Seen him first day at my new school with some trick in his lap. Brung him home, and he never left."

"Your mom allows that shit?"

I stand up and walk to my room, "she can't stop what she isn't here to see."

I grab an already rolled blunt and light it. Letting out a puff as I make my way to the couch.

"What the fuck— you're smoking?!" Skyla yells.


"So... who is this new Charisma? The girl I knew wouldn't have even said a curse word. Now you're doing drugs?"

I shrug and put it to my lips. Reign snatches the blunt and takes it from me. "Are you okay? Like, seriously?"

"Are you okay? You just snatched my shit as if it wasn't hella expensive to get." I say reaching for it.

Reign takes a long look at me and shakes her head. She gets up, walks over to the kitchen, and drowns the joint underwater. Then, she throws it in the garbage disposal, runs soap and water on it, and blends it up.

"Reign, what the hell?!"

"Y/n, what's wrong with you? You look like you haven't slept in weeks and you're not taking care of yourself!" Skyla shouts.

"I'm fine. Let's not forget, you bitches came into my house unexpectedly and uninvited. My bad for not having time to clean."

"I'm not talking about the mess, I'm talking about you. Look at you," she says. "You look drained and tired. When was the last time you slept?"

"Last night." I retort.

"For a full eight hours?" Reign chimes in.

I open my mouth to respond then realize I can't even remember when, "Okay, first of all, who even asked you—"

"When was the last time you even went to school?!"

I don't even attempt to answer this time, instead, I fold my arms and shift my weight to one leg. I haven't been to school in months.

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