Eye Of The Beholder

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Trigger warning: Name calling/mild violence/degradation

The morning sun seeps through the open curtains above Eddies bed and pull you into the waking world gently. You stretch and smile when you feel Eddies arm wrapped around your waist, now pulling you into his body as he stirs awake with you.
"Morning sweetheart" he says, his voice still croaky from sleep.
"Good morning" you respond as you turn your body round towards him.
His hand flattens against your back as it pushes underneath your top, sending a shiver down your spine as his fingertips start tracing small circles on your skin.
"You always look the most beautiful in the morning" he smiles, his eyes proving he means his words as they move over your features.
You kiss his cheek softly before slipping out of bed and removing your pyjamas, making sure he's watching your every move.
"Shower with me?" You ask, holding your hand out for him to take.
He grins and follows suit, practically leaping out of bed and holding your hips as he walks behind you to the bathroom awkwardly, not bearing to take his hands off you.

You both stand under the jet of warm water, his lips and hands exploring your body as you wash each other. He watches as the soap suds slide down your wet skin, over every curve and line that he loves so much. He locks every single second into his memory, how your wet hair falls over your shoulders, how your breasts move as your own hands glide over his body. Every moment he gets to look at you is a moment he cherishes and longs for.

He shuts off the water and steps out of the tub, taking your hand as you step out with him.
Suddenly he grabs your ass and picks you up, your legs wrapping around his body instinctively as he carries you into the bedroom.
He throws both of you onto the bed, his mouth covering your neck with soft kisses as his hips part your legs, allowing you to feel how hard he is against your cunt.
Just as he positions himself at your soaking wet entrance there's a loud knocking on the trailer door, pulling both of you out of the lust filled dream world you'd become lost in as Eddie sighs.
"Ignore it" you beg, desperate for him to be inside you already.
He obeys and slowly pushes his hips forward, his length entering you so agonisingly slowly. He gasps as he feels your pussy clamp around his throbbing shaft, your cunt welcoming him perfectly as always.
A second loud knock at the door ruins the moment once again, bringing with it a frustrated grunt from Eddie.
"Just ignore it, they'll go away" you plead quietly.
"I'll be 2 minutes I promise, I'll get rid of them" he responds, pulling himself away from you with every ounce of willpower he has.
He throws a pair of nearby jeans on and goes to see who is so adamant on seeing him. You hear the front door open and muffled voices before the door shuts again but as Eddie returns, instead of starting where you left off he stands in the doorway and all the affection had been drained from his eyes, instead replaced with an irritated glare.
"Can you come out here please?" He says, a stern tone to his voice that catches you completely off guard. He'd left the room as the attentive boyfriend and come back Mean Eddie.
What could possibly have caused this sudden shift?

You grab a towel and wrap it around yourself as you follow him out into the living room and realise the cause of his mood change.
Billy Hargrove was sat on the couch holding up your panties from the party on his finger.
"I just came to return these" he says, a sly grin on his face.
Your eyes flit between him and Eddie, both of them staring at you with very different expressions. Suddenly you bitterly regretted opting for grabbing just a towel and go to walk back towards the bedroom but Eddie side steps in front of you.
"I'll be really honest, after everything else that happened that night I totally forgot about that little detail. Sit" he barks.
Your heart pounds as you walk over to a chair in the corner, opting to sit as far away from Billy as you could.
Eddie leans back against the breakfast counter, his eyes firmly planted on you but when he speaks its to Billy, and Billy alone.
"So Billy, tell me, how did it feel to have your hands all over my girlfriend that night" he asks.
Billy grins and you already knew his response was going to make matters worse.
"I'm not going to pretend I wouldn't have tried for more if you hadn't pulled her away. Got a nice ass on her" he says.
Eddie snorts, clearly finding this amusing.
"I'm not going to deny that. You should have felt how wet she was, clearly she enjoyed it too"
Your cheeks flush red and your mind whirs as you try and find the best way to handle this but it was becoming very clear that anything from here on out was going to be discussed without your involvement.
"Well you made sure I didn't get the chance" Billy replies, now twirling your panties through his fingers. "These were a nice consolation prize though"
Eddie slowly walks over to you and combs his fingers through your still damp hair.
"I mean, fairs fair. You got her started for me that night and you just interrupted us as I was about to fuck her brains out so what if we say I just got her ready for you?" He asks.
Your head flicks up to face him, surely he wasn't suggesting what you think he is?
Billy leans forward, resting his hands on his knees as he barely hides his intrigue at the proposal.
"You want me to fuck her?" He asks.
Eddie smiles, hooking his index finger under your chin and fixing your gaze with his as he answers.
"If she wants to then yeah, why should I have all the fun with her? Maybe it's time I shared the wealth" he says, a soft growl in his voice.
Your eyes dart back and forth between them, both of them waiting for some kind of signal from you.
Growing impatient Eddie stands in front of you and leans down, his face inches from yours.
"I won't be mad. Consider this a punishment for that little stunt, sluts need to learn there are consequences to their actions and getting men like Billy all riled up with no pay off can be dangerous. Now be a good girl and go and fuck him like only you know how" he hisses.
You gulp at his demand, sure he'd let friends watch and that time he let Gareth and Jeff play but he's never outwardly wanted you to fuck someone else. What if this was a test? But what if it wasn't? Which response was correct?

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