All Within My Hands

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Trigger warning: Public/Exhibitionism/Degradation

Credit to SirenaStyx  for the idea <3 I hope I did it justice


"Now I don't want to have to assign homework anymore than I want to be double teaching" Mr Mundy huffs as he reads a file that had been left on the teachers desk before setting it back down with a light slap. "But apparently you all have a book report you need to do, any book of your choosing, so this is me telling you"
He holds his hands up to hush the protests from the students, the room filling with noise then slowly calming as Mr Mundys stern face comes into play and the danger of class detention looms in the air.
"Look, it's not my fault your teachers sick and it isn't my fault this school is so underfunded they're making the maths teacher take over English so don't shoot the messenger. You've got a week so just do it. You'll be pleased to know it's a group report and I can't be bothered to split you up so just do it yourself" he sighs.
The final bell rings signalling the end of another school day and you aren't sure whose more relieved, Mr Mundy or the other students.
Eddie, Jeff and Gareth approach your desk as the rest of the class file out of the room to get home and Eddie picks up your books, his usual chivalrous act, simple but it made you swoon every time he did it.
"So I take it we're all doing this together?" Gareth asks as you all head out of the school towards the parking lot.
"Figured as much. Shall we all go to mine and hash it out? Wayne's working until late so we'll have the trailer to ourselves" Eddie offers, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders as you get closer to his van.
"I'm free" Jeff says, followed by Gareth's approval, both of them throwing their bikes into the back of Eddies van along with themselves.


"So what books have all four of us read?" You ask as you slump onto the couch next to Eddie as Gareth and Jeff sit on the floor, knowing this is likely to be slim pickings. You wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible so the boys barely had the chance to settle in when you all got back to Eddies before you were on the case.
"What about Pet Semetary?" Gareth offers but silence follows.
"Please don't tell me the only book we've all read is Lord of the Rings?" You ask quietly, already dreading the response.
"I think it might be sweetheart" Eddie responds.
You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.
"Ok we don't have time for us to all read something new so Lord of the Rings it is" you say, already seeing your teacher yawning as they read whatever report you all manage to come up with.
You slip off the couch next to Eddie and onto the floor, lying on your stomach as you spread your notebook out of front of you, already writing down notes as everyone throws things to add into it at you.
Eddies eyes instinctively fall on your ass, admiring how your skirt falls across it and against the perfect curve of your cheeks but as he looks up he notices Gareth and Jeff admiring the same thing and his temper flairs, not a lot but enough. He knew he needed to keep an eye on you, he knew how naive you could be.

Over a couple of hours both Gareth and Jeff have shifted into a similar position, your heads closer together than Eddie would have liked them to be. Once again in his head such an innocent act was magnified and his jealousy spilled over, watching you laugh and smile at their jokes and suggestions, all whilst ignoring him was making his blood boil.

He doesn't think you realise how intoxicating you can be, how you can hold peoples attention so easily. He could see the thoughts in Gareth and Jeffs heads as you talked, the way they watch your lips move, imagining how they would taste and feel.
As you shift into a new position, sitting with your back against the couch, Eddie takes his chance, leaning down to your ear and letting you hear the venom that has been building inside of him this whole time.
"I've got half a mind to fuck you right here, right now if you don't behave" he hisses into your ear.
You look at him confused, genuinely unsure what has pissed him off this time, but you knew he wouldn't do anything while Jeff and Gareth were here. He'd wait until they left so for now you knew you could ignore him.
Jeff moves and sits next to you, leaning over you to read the page in front of you and Eddies hand rests on your shoulder, his fingers squeezing your skin firmly as he watches Jeffs chest press against your arm, his eyes less on the page and more down your top.
Once again you try and ignore him as you talk to Jeff about what you've written, not noticing Gareth's gaze on your bare legs as he zones out and goes into a fantasy world, away from Eddies furious glare as he watches his friends fawn over his property right in front of him.

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