The Devil in I

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Just a quick one with jealous Eddie ;)
Enjoy! <3

Eddie stands by the open bathroom door, leaning against it with crossed arms as he watches you get ready. You try to ignore him and stay focused on fixing your hair and make up but you can feel his eyes burning into you and the short skirt you're wearing with the nice panties hidden underneath that he saw you put on, one of the things that made his jealousy overwhelming.
"Are you just going to the mall today?" He asks.
"Yeah, then probably back to Hannah's until you guys are done with band practice" you reply, unaware of the last part of this sentence making Eddies stomach jolt.
"Just you and her?" He presses and you zip your make up bag up, content you look presentable enough for the outside world, and eye him suspiciously.
"Yes just me and her, why?" You enquire.

He'd been trying to ignore the images that have been dancing around his head all morning but he could at least remind himself you'd just be at the mall, Starcourt Mall on a Saturday was hardly the perfect place for a tryst, now the prospect of you and Hannah at hers after, alone, that was a perfect chance for her to overstep the way she loved to do and she overstepped too much. He had made it clear more than once that you were his but still the 'innocent' touches remained and the hugs that lasted a little too long. The way she looked at him when she did it, knowing he couldn't react or do anything because she isn't his, he has no power over her and can't stop her, that drove him insane.

Now the fact you'll be at hers, alone, it made those images clearer and far more plausible and jealousy bubbled away inside, threatening to boil over at any second. The thought of her hands on you, her lips and tongue, of her seeing you in the throes of ecstasy while he wasn't there, it made him crazy.
He knew he was living out most guys fantasy, his girlfriend and another girl together, but Hannah made him feel like his ownership of you was slipping and he knew that she wanted it that way.
He also knew that in any normal situation he could tell you not to see her again, he could tell you how it made him furious and jealous but he also knew how much Hannah meant to you as a friend, there was no way he could take that from you. He trusted you and he knew deep down that all it was to you was pleasure, he felt safe enough within your relationship that you wouldn't leave but it still made him feel a conflict of emotions to think of you together. Arousal first followed swiftly by frustration.

With no response to your question, you breeze past him and he follows you around the trailer as you grab your things, keys, purse, make up, and shove them into your bag.
"Now if it's ok with you I'm going to go and I'll see you after band practice, then I'm all yours" you tease before kissing him on the cheek and opening the trailer door but a sudden resistance pushes it closed again and you see Eddies tense arm next to your head, his big hand holding the door closed and his body pressing into your back and pinning you against the door.
You feel your hair brush away from your neck as he pulls it aside softly and his breath tickles your ear as he leans in.
"You're mine, I'll take what's mine whenever I want to and you're not stepping foot out of that door until I've left you with a little reminder of that" he growls.

Your heart thumps in your chest as he pushes your bag from your shoulder and onto the floor before he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you back towards the breakfast bar separating the kitchen and the living room. He pushes you forward and you lean on the surface as Eddie stands behind you, his grip vice like on your neck as he pulls your skirt up around your waist with his other hand before pushing your panties down to your knees.
He grabs your ass hard and grins when a large red handprint appears on your skin but it isn't enough, he needed to make sure she knew he'd had you first today.

He nudges your legs open and rests his hand against your cunt and feels the heat coming from you along with the steady pulse against his palm that lets him know you're ready for him already, waiting and willing as always.
He undoes his belt and whips it out of the loops in his jeans before wrapping it around your neck, replacing his hand, and you feel the leather tighten enough to keep you breathing but restrained and then the sound of the buckle closing and Eddie holds onto the makeshift leash as he pushes his jeans and boxers down to the floor and pulls your hips back towards him.

He doesn't give you a moment to brace yourself before he fills you up, your core opened up by him in one swift movement that makes you gasp in surprise.
He pulls back slowly, letting your walls return to normal before he drives back into you, harder this time, and he gives the leash a hard tug.
"Who do you belong to?" He asks.
"You" you groan but there's another pull on the belt.
"You'll do well to give me some more respect than that" he barks.
"You, sir" You breathe and the belt stays taught, keeping your head pulled back as he forces his way into you again and again and again, each thrust of his hips harder than the last until your stomach is pressed into the hard edge of the counter and you can already feel the bruise forming there.
He grabs your ass again and leaves another large handprint across your skin before slapping it softly, your loud moans of bliss interrupted with sharp gasps at each strike of his palm against you until he's making you cry out as he gets harder and more aggressive.

Satisfied with the red marks now scattered across your stinging skin he reaches around to your clit, the pad of his index finger finding it instantly and he circles it firmly, lengthened, fast movements that make your walls clench around him deliciously, making his cock jerk in response as it threatens to end it all right now, and he has to remind himself you need to climax first, he can't let you leave unsatisfied only for her to finish off what he started.
He yanks the belt around your neck down, forcing you further backwards into him until his lips are against your ear.
"I know you want to cum" he groans "And you know no-one can make you cum like I can"
You love how right he is. The second he spoke you felt it, that heat inside you that grew and grew with each rapid drive into you, the sudden power play that had taken you by surprise but now you had it you wondered how easy it would be to cancel on everyone and keep it all day.
"Come on, cum around me like the cock hungry slut we both know you are" he growls and it's your undoing.

Eddies mind soars as you break, your body shuddering and tensing while you cry out his name so loudly his ears ring. Your cunt contracts around him tightly and his cock grows slick as your orgasm covers it and it isn't long before he reaches the peak with you and with one last hard buck of his hips he releases his own climax inside you, deep inside you, with a sly grin on his full lips as he gives you the reminder he'd promised. His claim on your body that no-one could deny. The marks on your ass and the red line he knew would now be around your neck paled in comparison to this one.
You both relax in unison, a shared haze of satisfaction between you and with one last tug of the belt eddie issues his final order.
"Now you can go" he sneers "Let that be a reminder that you're mine and no-one else will ever fuck you like I can"

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