Cheap Thrills

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Short one but I hope you all enjoy :)

You take a moment to enjoy the silence while you try and take in the Biology textbook sat in front of you, the only noises running through your mind were the occasional clearing of a throat and books being pulled off shelves. The neutral, calm setting of Hawkins Library had been your idea, you had an important test coming up and you'd tried so many times to study at home or at Eddies but it always proved fruitless. The endless distractions and noises always drew your attention away from what you were reading and turned the words in front of you into a jumble of letters and then the frustration would set in.
Now you could finally clear your mind and take in some knowledge and you were on a roll, scribbling notes on your notebook and carefully reading the textbooks but then a familiar sound starts to jumble the words again and you start to feel that familiar frustration.

"It's pointless" Eddie sighs next to you, holding his head in his hands over his D&D book.
"Still struggling?" You ask, wanting to sound interested but your eyes don't leave your textbook as you try and hold on to your concentration on it.
"Yep. I just can't get it right" he says, he's been trying to work out a new D&D campaign for days now, he'd gone through two notebooks, ripping pages out in anger, and snapped four pencils since he started, thankfully he hadn't taken his frustrations out on you yet but at this point you kind of wish he had, maybe then this would be over with.
"You'll get it" you murmur, a phrase you've said so many times you were starting to think the words were losing meaning.
"I won't. I'll never get it" he huffs, leaning back in the seat and throwing the pencil onto the table.
You sigh, you were completely distracted now and had lost all will to even try anymore so you close your notebook and turn your attention to him. Maybe if you helped he'd finally get past his writers block and then perhaps you'd be able to actually study in peace.

"Is there anything I can do?" You ask.
"Come here" he says, slapping his thigh "I'll show you"
You move onto his lap and he reaches around you and opens his dungeon masters handbook and the players handbook, showing you the kind of thing he's going for and you nod along, pretending to know what he's talking about but everything sounds so technical it just goes in one ear and out the other.
"I'm just not liking any of the storylines I'm coming up with, they aren't going anywhere" he sighs, resting his hand on your bare leg when he's done pointing at the list of creatures you're now staring at and wondering what the fuck an Owlbear is.

You don't notice when he falls silent, your attention on trying to work out a story based on the pictures in the book, and he sets his sights on another fixation, one he knows he can get easier than this campaign, hell, it might even help clear his mind.
His hand moves further up your leg, his fingertips stroking your smooth skin before his open palm rests on the crease at the top of your thigh, his fingers move down your bikini line and suddenly it snaps your attention back to him.
"Eddie what are you doing we're in a library!" You hiss.
He grins, a grin you knew well and you knew it meant he wanted to play a little game. He uses his other hand to brush your hair away from your neck and leans into your ear.
"Let's see how quiet my good girl can be while I fuck her with my fingers" he whispers.

You look around you, there was hardly anyone around and you'd both purposely picked a quiet corner away from everyone that had been free when you arrived so there was no-one in the immediate area that would catch you but this is the most public area Eddies ever tried anything, your insides clench at the thought of someone catching you, how would you explain it to your parents? But it's Eddie, you know once he has an idea like this there's no stopping him.

As his fingers push into your panties, the pad of his index finger stroking up and down your slit softly, your mind goes into free fall. You open your legs until yours are draped either side of his and he truly begins his work. He moves his middle finger next to his index finger, using both of them to stroke up and down your spread pussy, over your clit, through your folds, over your core and feeling your growing wetness coat them perfectly.
He holds his focus on your clit, pinching it gently between the two fingers and smiling as your body bucks on his lap.
"Did you like that?" He whispers.
You nod, biting into your lip to stay quiet as he does it again.
"Remember sweetheart, not a sound" he says as his fingers start stroking your clit slowly, his other hand that was previously resting on your thigh moves down and into your panties but this time they move down to your entrance and his middle finger and ring finger delve into you, instantly hooking up as they make matching movements on your sweet spot with the fingers on your clit.

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