Nothin' But A Good Time

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Trigger warning: Name calling/choking/spanking/paddle use/control

A warm buzz sits in your stomach as you down yet another drink. Your brain feels fuzzy and everyone around you seems to be moving a little too fast but you're having the most fun you've had in forever.
"Shots! Let's do shots!" Hannah squeals, grabbing the bottle of tequila sat next to her on the kitchen side as you groan, you fucking hate tequila.
"No! Absolutely not!" You say but she shushes you, her words slurring.
"It's my birthday! You have to!" She guilt trips, handing you a shot glass full of the foul smelling liquid.
"Ok fine just one" you say, knocking it back as quick as you can and gagging at the taste.

But it wasn't just one.

You knew tonight would be messy when you heard Hannah planning it. Her 18th birthday was months ago but she wanted a rager, she wanted everyone at school there and for it to go off the way she wanted, her parents had to be out.
As luck would have it they planned a weekend trip across the country and Hannah already knew she was going to fake being sick, knowing how much her parents would have spent booking hotels and travel, there's no way they'd cancel it. They had no choice but to leave precious Hannah at home.
Now their little princess was stood on the kitchen island with you, incredibly drunk, dancing to Motley Crue and singing at the top of your voices, the noise carrying over the hundreds of other people filling her house, most of them you suspected she didn't even know, while Eddie and Jeff look on from below as their their stomachs churn at the visions they have of you both stumbling off the side and breaking your necks.
"Ok girls that's enough, this is dangerous please come down?" Eddie shouts, trying to be heard over the music and both of you yelling along to it.
You crouch down, almost eye level with him.
"You gonna punish me if I don't?" You say, a sly grin follows that makes his fist clench.
"You're drunk, I'm taking you home" he says.
"No I'm having fun!" You protest but he takes your arms and puts them around his neck as he grabs your waist and pulls you off the counter, ignoring you as you shout at him to let you stay.

His grip on your waist stays tight as he guides you through the house, through the blur of faces and bodies until a cold breeze hits your skin and you realise you're outside.
"Eddie I'm fine! It's too early to go home!" You whine, not hearing how your words are slurring together.
"I didn't ask you, I'm telling you. We're going home before you hurt yourself" he barks.
He pulls the passenger door open and helps you into the van and as he closes the door you finally notice how everything is spinning. The distraction of the music and the singing fades away and now you're left with the disgusting sensation of the world around you not staying still.

Eddie sees you try and focus your eyes when he gets in the van and grins.
"See? You're hammered" he says.
"Shut up I'm fine" you say, trying to play it off.
He starts the van and the world moves quicker as he drives, like he's driving at a thousand miles an hour.
"Eddie slow down you'll kill us!" You shout.
"I'm driving fine, it's in your head" His tone is slowly growing more impatient by the second.
"Oooooh is Eddie angry? Am I in trouble?" You tease. "You gonna teach me a big lesson? Is my master going to give me something to cry about?" Your own words making you laugh.
He doesn't answer but he grips the steering wheel harder, reminding himself you're just drunk.
"I can get out of anything you try on me because guess what big man, you're not that scary" You say, poking his leg as you speak.
"Oh we'll see about that sweetheart" he growls.


The next morning you open your eyes and immediately close them again. Your brain feels like it's being worked on by a construction crew and your eyes sting as the light hits them.
"Morning party animal" Eddie says as he sits on the end of the bed with a magazine sat in his lap that he was turning the pages of VERY loudly.
"Please keep the noise down" you murmur, pulling the bedcover over over your head and blocking out the light.
He grabs the bottom of the cover and yanks it back, pulling it off your body in one swoop.
"Eddie please just don't" you beg.
"Get up, you need food it'll help" he barks, leaping over you and off the bed.
"No just let me die please" you whine, burying your face into the pillow.
He pushes his arms under you and scoops you up, carrying you out of the bedroom and onto the couch, leaving you there while he goes to make breakfast and a few minutes later your nose is full of the smell of bacon and your stomach grumbles but you aren't sure if it's hunger or the hangover.

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