Ride The Lightening

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Trigger Warning: Choking, name calling, mild violence

Authors note: Everything in the M.O.P chapters are pre-agreed consent

Your eyes flutter open as the morning sun beats through the window over the bed, pulling you from a deep sleep and into the still room, the only sounds were Eddies quiet snores next to you as he sleeps.
You lie in bed for a moment and just enjoy the quiet, gazing at Eddies face as he lies on his back with his head turned towards you. You watch his eyes flicker back and forth under his eyelids as he reacts to his dreams, his lips parted ever so slightly as he breathes, his bare chest rising and falling slowly with each one.

You sigh, you knew he had band practice today, he always did on Saturdays so he wouldn't be around for most of the day. You knew you had homework to be doing and no doubt Mom would throw a load of chores at you when you got home but you always missed Eddie when he wasn't around.
Things had been really calm since that day you broke the string on his guitar, things always went back to normal like a flick of a switch but you were starting to get antsy. Sometimes Mean Eddie would appear, no real trigger or any wrongdoing on your part, just occasionally his mood would shift and he would take it out on your body, other times it was to punish you for a misdemeanour, but it had been weeks now.
Vanilla sex was amazing, any sex with Eddie was, but you missed Mean Eddie, the one who calls you names and leaves emotions at the door. Sometimes you just needed that Eddie to rail you like you were nothing to him.

Your lips turn into a smile when you get an idea, a risky one but it was worth a try. If mean Eddie wouldn't come out and play on his own, maybe you could entice him out.
You carefully pull the bedsheets off of yourself and slide down and off the bed, tiptoeing through the room and dodging anything on the floor that might fall or make a noise and go into your personal drawer in the set of them that sat against the wall. You pick out the lingerie you know Eddie loves, a white, lacy set. He always said it made you look so innocent and he enjoyed you wearing it when he was in a bad mood, he loved feeling like he was destroying your purity over and over again even though he knew that was long gone. His own angel he could defile.

You race to the bathroom as quietly as you can and slip the set on then fix your hair in the mirror before eyeing yourself.


You sneak back into the room, relieved to see Eddies still fast asleep and very, very gently pull Eddies handcuffs off the wall, trying not to let them clank together. You sign with relief when you see the key conveniently sitting in the lock.
You can't keep the mischievous smile from your face as you step towards the bed, putting the handcuffs down before placing your hands around Eddies wrists and pulling his arms up against the wooden bed frame carefully. You pick up the handcuffs and wrap them over the bedpost, gently clicking them shut over each wrist and smiling as his hands hang limply from them. You slip the key into your bra, easily grabbable if things went south but out of his reach.

You think for a moment, do you wake him up or wait? You glance at the clock and see it's only 9am, he could be asleep for hours still.
Instead you slip the bedsheets off him and straddle him, leaning down to his lips and kissing him softly until he stirs against you, his lips still at first before they press against yours and a small murmur rises from his throat at the wonderful wake up call.

"Morning sweetheart" he whispers, smiling against your lips.
You hear a quiet clank above your head and his smile disappears, the cogs turning in his brain as the sleep fog clears and he realises his hands are bound.
"Morning Eddie" you whisper back, pushing your upper body back up so he can see what you're wearing, his favourite underwear on your ready and willing body...

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