Come Out and Play

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Credit to Munson_doll  for this idea. Hope you all enjoy :)

Eddie holds your body close to him on the front seat of his van, his grip on your waist firm and possessive but his eyes look sad as they gaze in to yours and you imagine they're probably mirroring your own.
"But I'm gonna miss you" you pout, making Eddie smile while he kisses your nose gently.
"Sweetheart I'll miss you too but it's just tonight, we'll see each other in the morning" He soothes but still you keep your bottom lip stuck out as you sulk.
"Stop that, you're making me feel bad!" Eddie laughs.
"Good!" You joke but Eddie raises an eyebrow in response and lets you know you're starting to step a fine line.
"It's gonna suck but it's just one night, we can make it up to each other tomorrow" he offers, keeping his eyes and tone soft but his jaw is clenching and you're not sure if it's the idea of leaving you or your mild insolence just now.
"Ok fine I'll see you in the morning. I already can't wait" you relent and you lean in to kiss him, your palm stroking his cheek and he melts internally at the soft touch while his stomach clenches when he thinks about the fact he won't feel it again until the morning but still he reluctantly releases his hold on you to let you step out of his van.

He blows you a final kiss before he pulls away from the front of your house and you sigh to yourself. You wished you didn't have as much homework as you do, maybe then you'd get to see him after but you knew you had to be responsible and use a night Eddie had band practice until late to try and get through it but that also meant you'd be spending tonight apart, something both of you always hated.

You traipse up the path to your front door to a house you already know is empty which somehow makes everything worse and you also know your parents wouldn't be home from work for a few hours yet. The silence around you already felt heavy and the long night ahead stretches out in front of you and when you kick your shoes off and grab your books from your bag before laying them out on the breakfast table in the kitchen, quickly getting aquatinted with your workspace for the night, you feel a crushing disappointment when you realise that not even this mountain of work would occupy your mind. You already miss Eddie and your heart sinks at the thought of going to bed alone later.

It's going to be a long fucking night.


You toss and turn in bed, huffing in frustration before the alarm clock on your bedside table catches your eye as you turn restlessly and you whine when you see the time flash.


It's useless, I'm never going to get to sleep

You'd struggled through your homework for the night and making idle conversation with your parents before giving in around 10 and going to bed thinking you could sleep the rest of the hours away but your mind clearly had other ideas.
You kick the covers back in frustration and wonder what Eddies doing now. Surely he's home? Band practice wouldn't run this late would it? You could sneak over, you know where they keep the spare key and if you were quiet enough you could just slip into bed next to him and fall asleep.
Eddie wouldn't be mad if you did that, would he? He said he'd miss you and you know he did when you weren't together so how could he be mad if he woke up next you when he didn't think he would be tomorrow morning?

You climb out of bed and get changed, even if you chickened out on the way at the very least the drive might clear your head but if Eddie was home, well, maybe then you'd finally get some sleep if he was next to you.


You see Eddies van parked out the front of his trailer when you pull up and you feel a rush of relief when you also notice the lights are off inside and Wayne's truck isn't there, knowing that means Eddies alone and sneaking into bed without dealing with any misplaced anger at your defiance would be easy. If he did get annoyed about you going against your agreement for the night then it was just something you'd deal with in the morning, for now you just wanted to be close to him and the thought of that alone pulls you out of your car and over to the rock under the trailer where they hide the spare key and you let yourself in, being careful to close the door quietly and tiptoe towards Eddies room where you can see the door is slightly open.

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