You've Got Another Thing Coming

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Trigger warning: A lot of heavy name calling/restraint/using/choking

Today was one of the rare occasion you walked to lunch alone. Both yours and Eddies last classes had been separate so you were left to make your way towards the bustling cafeteria alone, already missing Eddies protective arm around you as you'd meandered through the hallways from the previous classroom.
Your eyes immediately fall on the usual table as you walk in, sauntering over to the Hellfire Club as Eddie watches, wolf whistling loudly as you get closer.
"There's my girl" he smiles, his arm wrapping around your waist when you get close enough and pulling you into his lap suddenly, his mouth pressing to your neck instantly and leaving loud, tickly kisses on your skin that make you squeal.
His thumb and index finger hook under your jawline and he pulls your face round to his, his lips pressing into yours hard as his tongue slips into your mouth, dancing with yours as his arms wrap around you, keeping you firmly on his lap.
You groan quietly against his mouth as his tongue presses against yours, fighting for control as his hands grip your body possessively. The rest of the room melts away as his hand pushes up your top and the feel of his palm on your bare skin makes a shiver run through you. You can already feel the wetness grow in your panties and you wished to anyone who could grant it that he could take you on this table in front of everyone.

"That is so gross do you have to?" Mike exclaims as he sits next to you both, hating that it's the only available seat at the table after Dustin slid into the furthest one quicker than Mike could.
"You'll understand when you're older" Eddie says as he tears his mouth away from yours, ruffling Mikes hair playfully.
You laugh and glance around the rest of the group, accidentally locking eyes with Gareth at the other end of the table.
Curious, you hold his gaze, searching for a sign that you imagined the other night. Hoping he'll just look away and that will be your answer but instead he keeps his eyes on yours. You can see the jealousy in them, his chest rising and falling quickly as you see him try and keep himself calm as he sees Eddies hands on you, his fingers gripping his knife and fork so hard his knuckles are turning white.

So lost in your quest for answers, you both miss Eddies attention fixing on you and following your sightline straight to his best friend. He watches your eyes sear into each other and he feels a burning in his stomach, one he hasn't felt for a long time now.

Pure. Fucking. Fury.

His grip on your body tightens further, his fingers digging into you so hard it feels like he's pinching you. It rips your attention away from Gareth and back to Eddie, his own gaze returning a look of anger, one you had missed and dreaded in equal measure. His lips purse as his stare boars into yours letting you know you had well and truly fucked up beyond measure.



He barely spoke to you the rest of the day, even in the journey back to his trailer he barely even looked at you.
When you arrive back he jumps out of the van, slamming the door and stomping up to his front door, holding it open and waiting as you reluctantly walk up to it.
He'd genuinely never looked this angry and he'd never gone out of his way to not look at you before, whatever was about to happen is going to be so very different from anything he'd subjected you to before.

As soon as your foot hits the inside of the trailer his hand flies to the back of your neck, gripping it tightly as he slams the front door and pushes you to the bedroom and face down on the bed, his body pinning you down as he leans down to your ear, his breath hot against your cheek as he hisses in your ear.
"Did you think I wouldn't see that? That longing gaze into each others eyes? I might let them fuck you, sweetheart, but your cunt is mine, I guess I need to make that very fucking clear, don't I?"
You panic, knowing he's got this all wrong.
"No Eddie that isn't-" his hand clamps over your mouth, silencing you as his other forearm presses over your shoulders, pushing you further into the bed and starting to cut off your air supply.
"Not a single fucking word. Right now you mean nothing more to me than a hole I can fuck as much as I want to. I don't care about you or your lies. Your right to a voice is gone for as long as I decide it is. Are we clear?" He says.
You nod slowly, hating how much his words excite you when they should terrify you, the wetness in your cunt betraying your feminism.

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