Bad Moon Rising

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Eddies arm falling from around your waist and onto the bed as you wriggle out from under it stirs him awake and you hear him groan as he stretches out behind you, his muscles tensing and slowly coming to life as he wakes up more.
"Where are you going?" He asks, his voice raspy from sleep.
"I'm going to make breakfast. I'll come and wake you up when it's ready, go back to sleep" you whisper before you lean down and kiss his cheek. He doesn't argue and instead pulls the bedsheet over his head to block out the morning and listens to you leave the bedroom and the soft click of the latch closing behind you.

He lies there in the silence for a moment until the muffled sounds of pans and plates being moved around in the kitchen, followed by you singing to yourself, seep into the quiet of the bedroom and he smiles, he loves listening to you sing. Hes pretty sure you don't know how often you do it because as soon as you realise you are you stop but it's his favourite sound, well, second favourite to you screaming his name. The only thing he hates right now is that he can't see you.
Instead of obeying your request to go back to sleep he gets out of bed, grabbing the dark grey sweatpants he'd discarded last night when he couldn't resist you and pulls them up over his rapidly hardening cock, the memory of you under him last night causing the member to want a repeat performance.

And I call her insatiable

He makes sure to open the door quietly and as it does your voice becomes louder and clearer, growing even more so as he tiptoes the short distance from his bedroom to the edge of the small kitchen and he leans against the wall and just simply watches you.
You move around the space like a dancer, your movements so smooth and graceful like you've practiced it a thousand times. The effortlessness of your body and how it moves makes that need inside him bubble to the point of boiling over. How you look now is the most beautiful he's ever seen you, your hair pulled up into a messy bun that exposes your neck, your perfect body hidden by one of his T-Shirts and nothing more, your plush lips moving as you sing and your feet tapping along to the melody playing in your head, causing your ass to jiggle under the thin material that separates his gaze from your skin.

But it's when you turn your back to him and reach into a high cupboard that that need erupts irrevocably.
The T-Shirt lifts, exposing the round, perfect curve of your ass and the smell of bacon that had previously made Eddies stomach growl with hunger is a distant memory and is replaced with a different hunger, one that can't be satisfied with food.

His cock hardens completely in his sweatpants, beads of pre-cum already forming on the tip as he continues watching you, now instead of admiring how your lips move along with the words you're singing he's picturing them wrapped around his cock, instead of listening to your voice and feeling warm inside he's remembering how his name sounds in your mouth, instead of finding your foot tapping endearing he wants your legs open and shaking with pleasure as he's buried inside you.

Enough torture

He waits for you to turn your back to him once again and he strikes. In just a few strides he closes the gap between you, your first indication anything is happening is the sound of the cooker being turned off but by then it's too late, Eddies body is pressed into yours, pinning you against the kitchen counter in front of you.
"You took away my chance at a morning fuck, sweetheart" He growls into your ear.
You smile, unaware of how your simple movements have awoken the beast.
"Stop being a baby, we have all day" you reply.
Eddie snorts in amusement and rests his hand against your lower abdomen, pulling your body back into him and that's when you feel his erection press against your ass.
"Want to say that again?" He dares but you don't, your rapid breathing and flickering eyelids are all the signal he needs that you're submitting.
"Such a good girl" he praises as his mouth moves away from your ear and down to your neck. His lips graze across your skin as his hand moves away from your stomach and down to the bottom of the T-Shirt to lift it up and over your head, leaving you naked and with more skin exposed for Eddies wandering hands and lips.

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