The Wait

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Trigger Warning: Denied orgasms/violence/abusive language/public(ish)

Eddies arm wraps around your waist protectively as you walk through the school halls. The bell had rung just moments ago and already the halls were half empty and slowly getting emptier as the rest of the students filed out of the prison they'd been stuck inside for the day.
As you reach your locker to empty the books from your bag Eddie releases his grip on your waist and leans against the one next to yours, going through options for what you both could do tonight.
"We could go to the arcade, the cinema, we could just go on a long drive, skull rock maybe?" He offers choice after choice but you just wanted Eddie to yourself tonight, with graduation coming up your brain was a jumble of exams and anxious thoughts of college and the future, you didn't have the mental capacity to do anything other than chill out with your favourite person.

A hand on the small of your back makes you jolt in surprise and you quickly look at Eddie whose hands are in clear view... along with an infuriated expression across his face.
"Hey Y/N I don't suppose you've got any notes from english class have you?" Jason Carver asks as he edges around from behind you, his hand still on the small of your back as he slowly pushes between you and Eddie.
You're far too exhausted to take in the gravity of the situation in Eddies head, his gaze was fixed on Jason's arm as he touches you in such an innocent but intimate way, He hated Jason with a burning passion and he hated that he had his hand on you, he wanted to rip his arm from his body and beat him with it there and then.
"Oh yeah sure!" You respond, quickly rooting through the books you'd just placed in your locker and pulling out the one you need and handing it to Jason with a sweet smile.
He grins, his eyes connecting with yours.
"Thanks, I knew I could rely on you" he says with a wink, his hand finally leaving your body as he walks away, not even acknowledging Eddies presence let alone the burning rage that was etched across his handsome features.
Your heart drops into your stomach as you realise what you've done. It hadn't even computed in your polite, naive head that Jason and Eddie despised each other and you'd just been nice as pie and even offered him help right in front of Eddie.

This was not going to go well...

Eddie glances around the halls and when he's satisfied you're both alone his body lunges forwards and presses you back against your locker, his fingers wrapping around your throat tightly.
"Are you fucking kidding me Y/N? That was the most disrespectful thing I've ever seen" he hisses.
Your heart hammers in your chest as you try and find the words to diffuse the situation but deep down you know it's useless, Eddies decided it was a punishable offence and that's the end of it, you needed to take whatever he was going to dish out.
You stifle a groan as his other hand pushes it's way into your jeans and panties and directly over your slit, his middle finger snaking up into your pussy.
"Is this wetness for him? Fucking slut" he growls.
"No... Eddie..." you murmur but before you can continue he pulls his hand away from your cunt and shoves the finger into your mouth, your own juices pressing against your tongue.
"I don't want to hear it. I need to remind you who you belong to so I guess I'm choosing what we do tonight" he says, an evil grin fixed on his lips, a grin that makes you swallow back nerves that quickly join the bubbling excitement building in your stomach.


As soon as you get back to Eddies he pushes you into the trailer and slams the door behind him, the whole place shuddering around you.
He grabs your arm and throws you against the door, he leans against it and looms over you, his eyes filled with fury and desire as he watches the fear flood yours.
"You're mine, sweetheart. Do I need to remind you of that?" He whispers as his fingers gently stroke your cheek.
You slowly shake your head but you knew whatever answer you gave the outcome would be the same.
"Strip" he hisses, the venom in his tone makes your heart flutter with excitement as your hands make quick work of pulling your clothes away from your body until they're a pile on the floor next to you and your naked form is exposed to him.
His eyes wander over your bare skin, the cogs whirring in his brain as he decides what he wants from you.
He takes your hand and leads you to the couch before pushing you down onto it as he kneels on the floor in front of you. His hands grip your knees, pushing them apart aggressively before taking your hand and placing it over your cunt.
"I want a show while I decide the appropriate punishment" he grins...

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