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No triggers- mostly story building so please don't be disappointed lol

Hannah feels like she might burst with excitement. Jeff had finally asked if she would sit with him at lunch, the hour of the day she normally spent with friends counting down the minutes until she could see him again but not today, now she was with Hellfire, with Jeff. They hadn't been together long at all, just a few weeks now, but she was head over heels in love with him, she wanted to be around him every minute of every day, their relationship was completely perfect. He was sweet, attentive, funny, cute. Everything a girl could want in a boyfriend. There was just one thing she didn't like, one thorn in the crown.


Jeff had let slip the nature of your relationship early on, how you and Eddie invited other people in and even though you and Jeff had never done anything particularly bad Jeff had made it clear stuff had happened and she hated it. She hated the thought of Jeff with someone else, it was one of the reasons she wanted someone like him, not a jock or someone popular, he was nerdy and weird and wouldn't have a plethora of past conquests. Perfect for someone with her jealousy issues.
She hadn't banked on a reminder of the contrary being around all the time, everytime she looked at you she imagined Jeffs hands on you, his eyes on your body. She often wondered if he was thinking of you when he was with her and it drove her insane.

"Where the hell is she?" Eddie says, snapping Hannah out her head and her seething thoughts.
"I was wondering that too" Gareth says, looking around the lunch hall.
"Who are we looking for?" Hannah asks.
"Y/N, she's never normally this late" Eddie answers her, suddenly reminded of Billy's attack and worry starts to set in.
"Oh" Hannah says, her good mood fading as, once again, you become centre of attention, all the boys suddenly discussing where you could be.
Jeff keeps his eyes down on his lunch, knowing if he was pulled into this Hannah would castrate him.

Just as Eddies stomach begins to knot, images of you bundled into a van somewhere with Billy at the wheel, you walk into the cafeteria and he relaxes, the sight of his girl putting him at ease.
As you approach the table you see Hannah's eyes on you, an evil glare in them as you get closer.
"Ah Hannah, literally jumping in my seat" you say and Hannah looks around the table, the boys avoiding her gaze apart from Eddie.
"You are in her seat" he says, not caring about the angry expression it gives her, the empty chair she had sat in was right next to him, it should have been pretty obvious, right?
"Do you want me to move?" She snaps, making it very clear she has no intention of doing so.
"No it's ok, there's a much better seat on offer" you say, sliding into Eddies lap.
Hannah watches in disgust as your arms wrap around each other and Eddies face buries in your neck, making dramatic growling noises as he bites at your skin, making you squeal.

Jeffs hand slides onto her leg, snapping her attention down to it then up to his face, and he realises he's fucked up again.
"Unbelievable" she says as she picks up her bag and storms away from the table, Jeff quickly running after her calling her name.
You look around at everyone then after Hannah and Jeff leaving through the open double doors, all of you clearly confused.
"Something I said?" You ask, making Eddie laugh.


It was during the afternoon that you finally get a little insight into what's going on.
Leaving science class and walking through the halls, not paying any attention to where you're going you bump into Jeff and the books you're holding tumble to the floor as you and Jeff both mumble apologies to each other.

As he helps to pick everything up he looks around nervously, as if waiting for approaching danger to appear.
"Everything ok?" You ask.
"Erm yeah I guess" he responds.
As he hands you the last book and you stand he goes to leave but your hand wrapped around his arm stops him. You finally had him alone without Hannah around, now was your chance.
"Look I'm really sorry to put this on you but I have to ask, does Hannah have a problem with me? I know I can be nasty back but from the moment I first met her she's seemed to seriously hate me, did I do something?" You ask.
Jeff takes a really deep breath, like he's known this was coming.

"I may have made a stupid mistake before she met you all. I may have accidentally let slip that... group stuff... had happened in the past when she asked how close we all were, I thought she'd take it as a joke or whatever but she didn't, she got really down about it and decided you can't be trusted" he says.
You're astounded. The misogyny of the whole thing was insane.
"So all of us, ALL of us, have messed around or whatever you want to call it, but I'M the one whose to blame? Just me? Because she's fine with Eddie and Gareth" you respond.
Jeff suddenly looks exhausted, you can tell he's had this argument with Hannah more than once and the last thing he wants is to have it with you too.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told her. But now she's super pissed at me because last night we were talking and I said I wished she was more affectionate in public like you are with Eddie and she blew up at me, so that didn't help" he says quietly.

Jeff didn't deserve this. Out of him and Gareth he was the one who's been involved the least and he was getting so much shit for it.
"Do you want me to talk to her? Let her know she's blown this up into something it isn't? Jeff you've barely even touched me, this isn't fair" you say softly.
He shrugs like he's just come to accept it if he wants to be with her.
"I think that will just make things worse. I'll think of something" he smiles.
As he walks away you feel a pang of guilt. Eddies requests have only ever impacted you before, now they're seeping into another relationship. Even though it did sound like Hannah was just insecure and jealous it still didn't numb the worry that this may mean Jeff starts to pull away from Hellfire and his friends and that's an outcome you wouldn't allow.


Eddie sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on one arm with his other hand raked through your hair. Small groans and gasps pull from his throat as your hand strokes his shaft and your mouth sucks the head of his cock hard. His hips thrust upwards gently, forcing your lips down further and further, your mouth enveloping more and more of him until your hand is just holding the base, your head doing all the work against his throbbing cock.
"Fuck, I'm so close, you have to stop" Eddie groans, but you don't. In fact you suck harder, you move your head faster, you groan against him the way he likes.
"I said st-" he says but his words are cut off by a loud gasp, his hips bucking slowly as your mouth fills with his climax, letting it slide down your throat until there's no more left for him to give.
You rise to you feet and put on your usual smug grin but this one felt so forced.

"Why didn't you stop?" He asks, lying down on the bed as you lie down beside him, tucking yourself into his outstretched arm.
"I'm just not really in the mood tonight" you say quietly.
He strokes his fingers through your hair, enjoying the feel of your head on his chest as his heart beats next to your ear.
"Is everything ok?" He asks barely hiding concern in his words.
"Yeah. I mean no, honestly I don't know" You say.
You weren't sure if you should say anything at all, this was Jeff and Hannah's issue to sort out but you couldn't help how much it was playing on your mind, you felt partly responsible for the mess he was in.
"What's going on? Talk to me" Eddie says.
You tell him everything Jeff had told you and your worries that Hannah would stop him being in Hellfire because of it, spilling your guilt out to him.
"It's all my fault" you say quietly.
Eddie sits up, pulling you up with him and pushing you onto your knees on the bed next to him. He takes your face in his hands and forces you to look into his eyes as he speaks.
"None of this is on you, ok? This is my fault. I'm the one who prompts this stuff and this is the second time it's come back to bite us and you've been the one to suffer, I'm so sorry. I'll sort this but please don't blame yourself because Hannah has jealousy problems" he soothes, kissing your forehead softly.

But as you lie back down you can't help your mind whirring, guilt and frustration keeping your brain buzzing for hours as you try and find a way to fix this, not just for you but for Jeff aswell.

Master of Puppets (Y/NxEddie One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now