Mercy Me

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"He's absolutely failing me on purpose" you huff, slamming your locker door hard and making Eddie jump "He has it in for me"
"Why would Mr Clarke have it in for you?" Eddie asks as he strokes your back comfortingly.
"I don't know but he does!" You yell and Eddie looks around at the peers surrounding you both that are now staring.
"Calm the fuck down" he hisses.
"No I won't calm down! Why don't you believe me?" You snap.
"I believe you, I didn't say I didn't, I just don't understand why he would, that's all" he mutters, hoping by keeping his tone quiet maybe you'll come down to his volume and people will stop staring at both of you but as he watches your nostril flare and your jawline clench while you glare at him, he knows it's not on the cards.
"I don't want to talk to you right now" you exclaim before storming off down the hall away from him and leaving him reeling.

You'd been fine this morning, in fact you'd been in a great mood but by lunchtime you'd shifted into belligerent and he wasn't sure why. But when Mr Clarke had handed a test back to you with a very big 'D' circled in red on the top of the paper it had been the final nail in the coffin. Eddie had watched your eyes darken and your hand shake in anger, now here you are yelling at him in the school hall and storming off when he tries to help.
He shakes his head and debates going after you but decides against it, he knew you'd realise what you've done and keeping you stewing will help later when he decides to teach you not to take your bad moods out on him. No, for now you can be in your bad mood and throw your little tantrums, later you'd realise what a mistake it's been to direct that anger his way...


By the time Eddie leaves school at the end of the day you're already leaning against his van with your arms crossed in front of your chest and tapping your foot against the ground impatiently. His heart sinks but his blood boils, anger slowly seeping through his own veins and feeding the dark part of him that loves to punish you.
"Took your time" you bark.
"Oh good you're still in a shit mood" Eddie sighs as he unlocks the van and you yank the door open aggressively and get in, leaning against the door as far away from him as you can get and staring out of the window dramatically and Eddie can't help but laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" You snap.
"Because you're being such a bitch" he laughs through each word and your temper rises further.
"I've had a shit day, I'm allowed to be in a bad mood!" You shout.
Eddie doesn't respond, instead he just starts up the van and leaves the parking lot in silence, both of you sitting in your own anger the entire journey back to Eddies.
By the time you reach Eddies you can tell your mood has spread to him and he doesn't even hold the van door open for you like he normally does, he gets out and walks into the trailer and leaves you to follow and it's then you realise you're taking it out on him when he doesn't deserve it yet your own stubbornness won't allow you to back down. You walk in after him and throw your school bag down on the floor and kick your shoes off dramatically and one accidentally flies in Eddies direction as he's stood in the living room and you freeze.

Oh fuck.

"Hey! Here, now!" He shouts as he clicks his fingers and points down at the floor in front of him.
You stare at him for a moment, debating arguing but you can see by his expression he isn't going to take this anymore, you've poked the beast and now you need to accept the consequences of that.
You walk over to him and as soon as you're close enough his hand grabs the back of your neck and pulls you the rest of the way, his grip holding your face close to his and allowing you to see the fury burning in his eyes.
"You've been a cunt all day. You can be in a bad mood but don't you ever take it out on me again, are we clear?" He lectures, his voice calm and low.
"Yes Eddie" you say quietly.
"I know what you need" he smirks, his knee pushing between yours and up your skirt until the top of his thigh rests against your panties. "I know you need to cum and I know you need a good hard fuck"
You stare up at him, trying not to react as he moves his leg against your covered pussy and the grip he has on the back of your neck tightens.

Master of Puppets (Y/NxEddie One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now